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Comment Save more by buying small (Score 3, Informative) 328

A PSU has a power efficiency curve that looks like this. That article also explains what I'm about to summarize:

Pick a PSU that is no more powerful than you need, to keep your system in the middle of that curve, for maximum efficiency. 100% margin is more than plenty, so if your components will use 250W max, you don't need a 900W PSU. Look for something in the 500 range, or even less if you pick a good-quality PSU.

You probably won't be able to make a cost argument for maximizing efficiency, but you can build a quieter system focusing on efficiency, and it's quite satisfying obsessing over something different.

Comment PHP! (Score 1) 536

I also see this more in Java due to the checked exceptions -- who hasn't seen something like
try {...} catch (Exception e) {} // Make the compiler shut up

So, you can write PHP in Java? Awesome!

Comment Re:Freedom to do...what? (Score 1) 515

Come back and apologize when you realize you have no control over the device that you own, and all your music got hosed because the company in charge of your DRM-ridden music had a bad year.

You have no clue, do you? Neither Amazon nor Apple are DRM-ing their music these days. Very old news. Keep up.

Comment Re:Freedom to do...what? (Score 1) 515

I you find a piece of software that does have an unnecessary constraint, you are free to modify that software to suit your needs.

Freedom to be limited to software choices that need fixing. Freedom to do things the hard way.

Just because you lack the necessary skill set, and the motivation to acquire it,

Freedom to get help from condescending jerks. I already covered that.

See, you didn't realize I have the necessary skill set to code my own solutions. You just presumed you know something I don't.

Listen, I think it's great that you have the freedom to do things the hard way. I think it's great that a tiny minority of the world's tech consumers are well-served by platforms that allow them to roll their own. I think it's great that there is competition in the market.

What mystifies me is why you care so much about the choices I make. And it amuses me that you think they are non-choices, because I can't modify them. As if that's something many people want to do.

BTW, I'm an iOS developer. I *can* roll my own.

Comment Freedom to do...what? (Score 1, Insightful) 515

I'm so tired of hearing OSS fanatics tell me I'm not free. What, exactly, am I not free to do?

Install your OS on my device? Why the hell would I want to do that?
Shop in your app store? Why the hell would I want to do that? Have you not noticed you app store kinda sucks?
Install music moving it between folders? Why the hell would I want to do that?
Use Gimp? Oops, I *can* do that. If for some damned reason I wanted to.

Freedom to do things the hard way? Freedom to not use professional tools? Freedom to get help from condescending jerks?

What, precisely, am I not free to do?

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