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Comment Nope because at the end of the day (Score -1) 103

No because at the end of the day Video games are art, not technology. Sure it's got lots of technological aspects, but it has them in the same way that Architecture does. Ya Architecture is an art, one that includes all sorts of technical fields, from material science to wave forms, when trying to determine the acoustics of a room but that doesn't mean a highly innovative architectural firm is the most innovative tech company out there.

Comment Re:Planetside 2 (Score 2) 303

Ya but sony hasn't really figured out the Micro part of the microtransactions. The only reason I bought anything in that game was because of triple SC day and then spent it on Packs, and daily sales. Doing that stuff was pretty cheap but otherwise a gun costs 7 dollars and you can only buy cash in 5 dollar increments. It's stupid and counter productive if you ask me.

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