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Comment Re:Insanity (Score 1) 412

Not really, it was Hitler who removed the "unnatural"-clause in the homosexuality-paragraph 1935. That's no big surprise because most of his buddies were homos. Yes that is correct: before 1935, homosexuality was considered unnatural and you could lose your civil rights, afterwards it was just an ordinary minor crime. A big step for the LBGT movement.

And if you don't believe me, just look up the laws on Wikisource. This is not some conspiracy-nut war-propaganda, it's a law that was put on the books and everybody can check it - if they are interested in the truth, which most aren't.

The homos only got retroactively "victims" of the Nazis in the 1970s.

He also was a vegetarian and a fan of animal rights. A real progressive.

Comment Re:Here it is. Hope you can read Russian. Re:sourc (Score 1) 412

Exactly. Basically the Russians were greeted with open arms in Crimea, there was not a single death during that "invasion".

Compare that to the mess of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc.

But maybe that is the problem the Americans have with Crimea. They only stop nagging and criticizing when the country is in ruin and blood runs in the streets. They would love to drop some bombs on Crimea to show those bastards good old democracy.

Comment Re:They (well some of them) are mental disorders (Score 1) 412

It's only a disorder if it has a major negative impact on a person or society.

Well they have a high risk of becoming a murderer (about half of serial killers are homosexuals, which is an overrepresentation of about 1000-2500%) of becoming murdered (by aforementioned killers), of suicide and of sexually transferrable diseases.

To say that this is caused by "discrimination" is just flat out wrong, because the murder-rate tripled during the "sexual revolution", and did not decrease. Arguably a virus like AIDS could not have spread so wide and far before it as well. So the "reduction of discrimination" (which in the West has become special privileges already) actually decreased the homo-life expectancy, both because of murder and diseases. So it's the exact opposite of what you are claiming: Discrimination actually protected them from themselves.

People who are not brainwashed by Hollywood (for example the good people of Russia) know that. And now when the West has declared war on them, there is no longer a reason to suck up to the West.

Good for them.

Comment Re:Few you say? (Score 1) 578

What do you mean by 'decadent' here?

All Westernized peoples are incapable - despite all the ressources available - to replace themselves.

If a plant does not grow despite all external needs are met then we say it is sick, wouldn't you agree?

This sickness exists only for the last couple of generations, so it's clearly not genetic and therefore cultural, i.e. decadence.

Why should the 'decadence' of a language stop you from using it

Because it corrupts the children, plain and simple. It is the difference between your children and especially the daughters "seeking careers" (i.e. the decline or extinction of your family-line) and sleeping around (i.e. using unhealthy anti-baby pills, abortions, risk of sexual diseases) or starting families (i.e. the growth and survival of your family).

Just look at the USA: The founding population will become a minority in about 20 years. Are the people concerned about that? No, they even cheer on their own destruction.

In the 1960s, the murder-rate tripled and rapes and other crimes increased similarily. Are Americans concerned about that? No, they think the 1960s was progress and good. They don't care about their women being raped and murdered. In fact they even hide the identities of the perpetrators and concentrate on fake rape hoaxes instead.

The US constitution starts with "We, the people [..] and our posterity", but Americans don't care about their posterity anymore and the US has been turned into an "idea-nation", i.e. no nation at all.

Peoples willing to survive will only be able to do so when they distance themselves from Western mainstream culture and a different language is one way of doing that. There are other ways (religion, ideology, etc.) but a different language makes it much easier.

if it helps you pass your message across clearly, and if it does so better than many other languages because of its rich vocabulary?

The question is, is that advantage really worth all the above problems? When your daughter is depressed because of the anti-baby-pill and is becoming a drug addict because of it (I'm of course talking about 100% legal drugs from your doctor) is a job with a little bit more salary really worth that? There are millions of women in the US who are chronically depressed and are on drugs. And even if they can hold a good job for quite some time, may their drug addiction, their mental instability and their general unhappiness also endanger the "good job" they hold?

Millions of women take hormones to make them sterile and other drugs to combat the side effects of these hormones. And people don't question that, they say it's normal, that it's "liberating".

If you would do something like that to farm animals you would get jailed for abuse.

Comment Re: (Score 1) 272

"One AU is about 1.5e11 meters."

So you propose an environment that is baked 24/7 with the Sun at the zenith at all times? And you claim that that is desirable? Humans could only survive on that with pretty heavy airconditioning.

"If it was made of metal 1 cm thick"

Right. And it has to be airtight, it has to be somehow able to support plants, houses and streets - and withstand a constant bombardment of micrometeorites. All that on 1cm.
And it has to rotate at enormeous speeds to create gravity (which would not work at the poles anyway, so the poles would fall into the Sun).

"you would only need to dismantle two earth sized planets"

OK, then you have a huge sheet of 1cm thick bare metal. How many planets do we need to actually do something with it? Growing plants needs a little more than 1cm of soil. So the soil alone would take a couple of planets.

Comment Re: (Score 1) 272

Currently we are covering the Earth with greenhouses because (drumroll) they provide a better (yes, I said it) environment for plants than nature does.

In 400,000 years, one can imagine most of the Earth covered by greenhouses.

Think about that for a moment.

So of course any space colonization will be based on greenhouses and not on terraforming or any other such nonsense.

Comment Re:Few you say? (Score 3, Interesting) 578

If what you write were true, it would have happened a very long time ago.

But it didn't. Why?

Because a language is basically like a uniform that marks "us" vs. "them". It creates group cohesion and community.

To be exact any non-English language, because English is spoken by anybody anyway, therefore does not give any identity.

English-speakers everywhere (be it a native US or a cosmopolitan European or Chinese) are having very few children and are living in a destructive "pop culture" that is not very conducive for large families.

Non-English-speakers on the other hand are isolated from "pop culture" a lot better, therefore can have more stable and larger families - and are growing in all countries.

That trend can be seen everywhere. Traditional English speakers will be a minority in all the major English-speaking nations (US, UK, Australia). Maybe they can hold out and maintain a majority in New Zealand.

A good example are the Amish: Just 200 Swiss/Germans came to America and they did NOT assimilate. 200 years later they are 250,000 and still doubling every generation. That is only possible because they are isolated from the majority culture - and their ancient German dialect is one of the things that helps them do that: If the children don't understand Lady Gaga, they won't be influenced by her.

And that is the reason why no language replaced all the others: When the dominant culture/language becomes decadent, people have no other choice than to push other cultures/languages in order to survive.

Comment Re:Linus Lock (Score 1) 449

True enough, but of course, that's not what happens, so... Effectively -- of course they can and do switch roles when memory is shared -- one is monitoring your ethernet, several are kicking in and out of httpd threads and/or processes, and so on for hundreds of OS tasks, and if you're like me, more than a few users tasks as well. For every task within a process that isn't hidebound by disk (and there are already a lot of them) having an additional available core is a very worthy thing.

Yeah, that's the theory.

In real life, my 6-core, 32 GB-RAM box swaps even the tiniest process to disk (which is of course SSD) so that even opening the KDE-menu takes ages after some time.

I think programmers are just too lazy to really use the hardware (which exists already today). For example the smart thing to do would be to make sure that the user interface is never swapped to disk. That would reduce available RAM only slightly but would dramatically improve performance.

But of course nobody does it because 1) their mind was closed by academia which preaches inefficient but supposedly programmer-friendly things like OO, scripting, one-size-fits-all frameworks etc. and 2) because everybody is hoping to squash every problem with faster hardware.

So it won't happen.

In 20 years, we will run huge machines that will slow down everything by running as much as possible on Python and Javascript because that's what is hip and performance be damned. (Isn't the Windows 8 framework - user interface based on CSS and Javascript already?)
Performance will probably suffer because instead of having fonts on disk (how 20th-century is that?) our computers will load fonts from Google about 10 times per hour.

Comment Re:NSA-resistant VPN's were done before... (Score 1) 234

If "It's not rocket science" then how are the security services getting back to the end users over generations of networking products?

Not by "breaking" VPN.

They compromised the hardware (got it while it was shipped) or tried dictionary attacks. The former will only work when they already read your snail-mail and the latter will only work when you use weak passwords.

They don't have some magic pixie dust that can hack into everything.

Comment What is insecure? (Score 1) 112

Basically the article assumes that everything the PHP team puts out is "insecure" and that Linux distributors have some magic pixie dust that makes it "secure".

Both assumptions are wrong:

- First, the latest version of PHP will fix all known security vulnerabilities and will be as secure as those patched by Linux distributors.
- Second, just because a distribution "supports" a PHP version does not make it any more secure.

Pure clickbait.

Comment Let's not forget that patents expire (Score 1) 63

Everybody, including the people who wrote the summary are treating patents as if they were perpetual - but they are not.

AFAIK the really good patents (about the FAT-filesystem) are expiring 2015. There are still some shady non-essential FAT-patents that expire IIRC until 2017, but those are easily worked around, have tons of prior art, are about non-essential features and/or are laughably frivolous.

So of course a patent-portfolio purchased in 2011 may be worth a lot less today. It may be even worthless, depending on what patents have expired. Basically the worth of a patent portfolio can be calculated by how much money could be milked so far (by royalties or monopoly pricing) from it multiplied by the time still left until expiration. So most patent portfolios will lose value over time (although there may be rare exceptions when some revolutionary products come out - but that did not happen since 2011).

People, do you remember the gif-pdf patent outrcry? It's ancient history now - and all these patents will be history in just a few years because most of them were filed in the 1990s.

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