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Comment Re:I wonder who these hoarders are (Score 1) 1080

I just want the light to be as bright, and lumens seems to be the only way of comparing cfls to incandescent before buying. I've bought '60 watt' equiv before and had people think my bulbs were burned out when they weren't; they were just that dim. Buying any brighter meant that the bulbs were physically too big to fit into fixtures. That is when i gave up.

Comment Re:I wonder who these hoarders are (Score 1) 1080

Well i expect a replacement to be equally as be bright. the last time i used a '60w' replacement i actually had people think my bulb was burned out in a room at dusk when it in fact was not. Any bulb I would find that was brighter wouldnt fit in most of the fixtures in my house which are completely surrounded by a glass dome, because the bulb was physically too big. In the fuxtures the bulbs do fit, the bulb stays exposed and sometimes resting against the glass. I look at the shelves of Home Depot when I go and it doesnt seem like the tech has changed much.

Comment Apple won't play nice with PC do specs matter? (Score 1) 300

The more I read about specs of apple products the more I come back to the fact that I cannot connect the device to my home network and use the 5 Tb of media I have collected over the years. To get an iPhone at this point would require me to start over and also use Apple's datacenters for storage instead of my own machines. With android I have openvpn, sftp, samba, usb storage transfer.. The list goes on and on. With android I am always on my home network, and I haven't even rooted. Until Apple can give me this experience specs don't really matter to me.

Comment Grandma and Grandpa (Score 1) 499

Here is what I did: 1) Bought a 500Gb external hard drive 2) Attached to Grandma's and Grandpa's PC
3) Register a domain name at and install the update agent on PC
4) Open port 22
5) Install cygwin with rsync or some sort of rsync package that works in windows
6) create a cron job on your side that rsyncs your pictures to grandma's and grandpa's. Check logs once in a while for signs of disk errors.

Depending on bandwidth you might want to rsync the disk locally first and then take it to grandma's and grandpa's.

The enormous side benefit to this of course is that G&G will instantly have all your photos which they love. Just ensure you do the rsync so that it writes to their house only and does not sync back. Just for additional data safety.

Comment Re:BULLSHIT -- Apple Stores are public (Score 1) 332

What computer does apple sell that is less then $1000 ?? Last I checked the cheapest full computer apple sold was the iMac which is like $1200? If we're calling iPad and iPhone and iPod Touch computers now then we must also call programmable calculators computers and we've never done that even though they've been around for 10 years. Remember we had a planet called Pluto? It's the exact same situation.

Also my Macbook crashes all the time. I hate that spinning pinwheel. Also my battery is trashed in a three year old laptop, presumably because certain software causes the CPU to spin and it gets hot to the touch when I close the screen instead of going to sleep like it goes 90% of the time. Macs work for most people because they use them to read mail and surf and maybe use a couple apps that have been blessed by Apple. I can tell you if I used my Windows machine and only used Microsoft software it would never crash either and it would play much nicer with the Linux systems in my house then my mac does with anything else that is not apple.

I am not really a hater, but out of 10 linux systems, 5 windows7 systems, 3 windows xp, and a macbook that I have because I won, the Mac easily gives me the most trouble out of the lot. I also wonder how anyone can say they 'just work' when Apple themselves release fixes all the time.

Comment Apple makes me uncomfortable (Score 1) 332

Is it just me or does anyone else feel really uncomfortable in an Apple store. It's like they are trying to make their peice of the world unreal somehow. And I happen to like the convention of going to a cash register to pay. Having everyone walk around with transaction machines just seems like a goofy attempt to buck the norm and say, 'Hey look at us! We're different!'. Doesn't seem smart at all. I can't imagine working in that kind of environment all day. People should embrace the real world, not ignore that it exists.

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