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Comment Re:Won't work for long... (Score 1) 65

It won't do anything because people would just program macros and such into the hardware. As it currently stands, basically every keyboard/mouse with "macro" support is doing it entirely in software. However, keyboards and keyboard converters are easily available which can do macros in the hardware. You can even DIY with a $20 microcontroller.

Comment Re:Attempting with existing title was a mistake (Score 1) 239

Well, Nexus manages to survive off completely optional paid subscriptions/donations/whatever you want to call it yet still manages to provide better mod distribution. Both Valve and Bethesda both got paid for their game when the game was bought in the first place. And unless a modder is distributing the game or at least a part of it with their mod, then it's not a derivative work.

Comment Re:Attempting with existing title was a mistake (Score 1) 239

The way I see it is that the game plus mod combined would comprise a derivative work. However, the mod alone is not. Unless someone is distributing the game (or at least some component of the game) along with the mod, the mod alone would not violate anyone's copyright nor be a derivative work.

Comment Re:Valve needs to use their clout (Score 1) 309

Yes, Valve, a company that makes a closed-source program to sell (mostly) closed-source games, would force someone else to open source their stuff. Valve doesn't need to push some open source nvidia driver, because anyone trying to sell steam machines would just install nvidia's proprietary driver and be done with it.

Comment Re:This is fucking stupid. (Score 1) 279

It depends on the type of troll. If someone is just issuing personal attacks, then it's easy to ignore them. But if someone is spreading false information, then while someone more informed may be able to easily identify them as a troll, others might take it as truth. However, if someone who knows it is false wants to point out the fact that it is false, then they're feeding the troll.

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