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Comment Re:Send the wah-mbulance. (Score 1) 481

Thanks gandhi. Why would anyone assume linux desktop or server compatibility a requirement of a product. Their servers are or were probably a result of free software distributions and they offer a great product for the price. Does MS or Ubuntu offer a silverlight port? Should Netflix offer a flash or HTML5 video tag version?

Comment Re:Unfair Blame to Both Google And AltaRock (Score 1) 295

I think Google should drill a canal from the water a plenty parts of Northern California down to LA so the city and county and state can stop stealing water from other states who don't have an abundant supply! I have an even better idea. I'm going to place him in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death.

Submission + - Flex Air Actionscript 3 Backend suggestions? (adobe.com)

popsensation writes: "I am writing in to ask professionals what server side technology goes best with Actionscript 3, Flex, and Air in a large scale project. Currently I have used Ruby on Rails, Java with Weborb, and PHP for backends but my next project will be on a much grander scale and will need to host and collect lots of data and media to and from thousands of concurrent users?"

Submission + - Comcast Tucson Hacked porn during superbowl (jibwa.com)

popsensation writes: "Tonight as I was watching the Superbowl it was interrupted twice with pornography, the first was just credits, but the second was full frontal male nudity! I wonder if it was a hack or a glitch. I somehow doubt that a glitch would play porn during the most watched event in the nation, in Tucson, right after a Cardinals touchdown. From all the comments it pretty obvious parents aren't happy! The group of adults I was with laughed for quite a while, I think we cheered louder for the goof then the touchdown that preceded it. Tucson Citizen My story on Jibwa Arizona Daily Star I can't wait to hear what comcast has to say!"

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