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Comment Re:Who gives a shit? (Score 4, Insightful) 593

BTW my big rule of thumb now. If interview and there's literally nobody in your group who is actually American just walk away. Either they just want H1B's and won't hire you or the employees just want their friends and won't hire you. (I'm guessing this works for any country btw. If you're in England and you don't have a couple of English in your interview group that's not a healthy company.)

Comment Re:Who gives a shit? (Score 1) 593

In many H1B shops, particularly those with *ahem* immigrant managers it's usually the white workers who aren't a good culture fit.

Actually you're forgetting something, Russians. I've interviewed at a couple places where the H1B's were a stream of Russians.(Yes, in the US) Yeah, no good culture fit there either.

Comment To be fair on that geocentric point of view (Score 5, Informative) 129

Tycho Brahe considered the idea that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe and actually moved. However when he tried to measure stellar parallax he found he couldn't. So given the evidence he had he either had to go with the Earth doesn't move or the stars are really far away.(Apparently he considered the simpler explanation to be the Earth doesn't move.)

Comment Actually feedback at all levels is a big problem (Score 1) 294

I realize this is a tangent to what the post is talking about. However there is a related feedback that's a big problem for me. Getting feedback from "user". So at least in my company it often turns out one manager is a big user of the software. Guess which office door is closed pretty much all day and no answering e-mails of any kind? It's very difficult to give mangers like that what they want when the only time they'll tell you is they pop-up behind you while you're doing something else, give you a 3-5 minute explanation that they've not really fleshed out, then run silent for 3 weeks. (Yes, I've literally developed something that was requested and it got used for a couple of minutes and got "This isn't what I wanted." talk. It's very aggravating.)

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