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Comment Re:Linux has already succeeded. (Score 1) 696

It's purpose is not to be a fancy, shiny, eyecandy competitor for OSX.

Couldn't agree more, and frankly not enough people have in the past couple of years. Lurk Youtube videos, or high schools, and you find a strong "linux has this 3d cube it's so much better than winblowz! what's the terminal?" mentality that is a trap for anyone willing to try a Linux distro. Years ago it was people picking up Linux to be "leet haxors" (I admit, I was 13 once.) and it has evolved into this.

Social Networks

Submission + - Couple Gets Divorce After Second Life Affair 1

blakedev writes: "A couple in England are now divorced over an affair that took place on the Second Life social network. After some suspicion, the bride hired a private investigator to monitor what her husband was doing. It was after she witnessed the act herself, her husband having sex with a virtual prostitute on Second Life, that she decided to call it quits. According to both of them no affair took place in real life, but she still considers him to have cheated. The former husband admits to also chatting often with an American woman, but claims that nothing suggestive took place. The two met in an online chat room in 2003 and two years later held both real and online weddings."

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