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Comment Re:Wrong headline (Score 1) 255

It's not jealousy, it's a fear of plutocracy.
People with money understand that if someone else has money, their money becomes less valuable, so they change the laws and lobby government to keep other people from getting rich.
Example: copyright laws being stretched over and over again to keep corporate cash cows from falling into public domain. Disney and their mouse. Submarine patents. Net Anti-neutrality.
I remember a story of how Apple successfully sued an ex-employee for starting a new business because he had obviously thought of the idea for the business while working at Apple.
*Thought of*, they sued him over his thoughts, not that he left with a pile of paper or a floppy disk.
Hey, if you can hire an army of lawyers for millions of dollars, you to can win every court battle.

Comment Why I think this is hooey. (Score 1) 720

The idea of the Automat has been around since the start of the 1900's. It did little to affect the employment landscape for fast food workers.
So I'll worry about those grease stained robot overlords when they can figure out how to load their own ingredient bins, until then, cough up the $15/hr McD's.

Comment Worse is Better doesn't mean that. (Score 1) 240

I never heard the term before, had to wiki it, then realized it was a fundamental of software engineering that I was taught decades ... ago :( so old
Don't create app functionality that the user won't use. More bells and whistles mean more dev time, test time and more to maintain, it's a simple concept.
That's why apps now have functionality metrics (Firefox seems really big on it for example).

Comment Re:This was predicted ages ago. (Score 1) 155

My plan, I would data mine you to figure out what fast food outlets you like and if you have any addictions.
Then send you free bacon cheeseburgers, cigarettes, venti coffee that's pure espresso shots. Whatever you have trouble saying no to the most.
It would kill you, eventually, unless you started exercising, eating right, and maybe a trip to a detox clinic.

Submission + - Users petition Lenovo to remove vendor-lockin from the BIOS (

An anonymous reader writes: A petition has circulated online which is nearing a thousand signatures that seeks to challenge vendor-lockin at the BIOS level. Lenovo is one of a select few laptop vendors that has always whitelisted their mini-PCIE and NGFF cards. Every card must be approved by Lenovo or the BIOS will force the user to remove the card. The users are demanding that Lenovo release a BIOS which has the option to opt-out of that whitelist.

This whitelist prevents users from doing things like upgrading their wifi cards.

Submission + - Brian Stevens Resigns as Red Hat CTO to pursue New Opportunity (

darthcamaro writes: Since November of 2001, Brian Stevens has been the CTO of Red Hat but as of August 28 that's no longer the case. Under Stevens' tenure, Red Hat transformed its business, adding Red Hat Enterprise Linux, acquiring JBoss, Qumranet, Gluster and Ceph as well as joining (and now leading) the OpenStack Foundation. So why did he leave? No official word, but apparently it is to purse a new opportunity that Stevens just could not pass up.

Submission + - 'The Internet of Things' Is a Lot of Hype (

Nerval's Lobster writes: Recently, Gartner analysts declared the “Internet of Things” (or IoT) to be at the “Peak of Inflated Expectations,” trumping even the completely overblown “Big Data.” The technology industry is, unfortunately, driven by bright shiny objects, and venture capitalists are subject to a herd mentality, always looking for the next big thing... and that next big thing is The Internet of Things. But as Silicon Valley veteran Miko Matsumura describes in this column, there's just one problem: 'There’s already an Internet of Things it’s called the Internet.' Yes, he argues, the development of IPv6 allows for a radically expanded address space for more devices. But the shift to IPv6 can hardly be considered a radical shift to enable the emergence of a new Internet, either 2.0 or one made up of 'things': 'There may be some method to all this madness, but it requires considerable discernment to know the difference between a fundamental technological advance and one of these trend bandwagons.' Do you agree?

Submission + - How the World's Fastest Electric Car Is Pushing Wireless Charging Tech

An anonymous reader writes: With the first ever season of Formula E revving up in China next month, it's clear there’s more to electric cars than Tesla. But the race cars hitting the track in Beijing don’t have anything on the speed of Drayson Racing Technology's Lola B12 69/EV, which holds the record for the world’s fastest lightweight electric car, and which uses the kind of power technologies that could one day have applications off the track too—like charging your phone wirelessly.

Submission + - Canada tops list of most science-literate countries (

An anonymous reader writes: A recent survey of scientific education and attitudes showed the Canadian population to have the highest level of scientific literacy in the world, as well as the fewest reservations about the direction of scientific progress (full report). A key factor is a high level of scientific knowledge among the general population (despite comparatively low numbers of people employed in STEM fields). Another is a higher level of comfort with choosing rationality over religious belief — only 25% of Canadians surveyed agreed with the statement "We depend too much on science and not enough on faith", as opposed to 55% in the U.S. and 38% in the E.U.

I also wonder if the vaunted Canadian healthcare system plays a role. When advances in medical science are something you automatically expect to benefit from personally if you need them, they look a lot better than when you have to scramble just to cover your bills for what we have now.

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