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Comment MBAs are self-identified failures. (Score 3, Insightful) 576

There are exceptions to every rule, but unfortunately, most people who have an MBA are interested only in making money. They "achieve" this goal through lies called marketing, through bullshit accounting tricks and technically legal loopholing called money management, through exploitation of the earth and it's people called maximizing revenue. If you'd read your literature, you'd know that pursuit of money has never been a noble goal, and it never will be. It's the desire of degenerate subhumans whose greatest gift to the world will be as compost.

As one artist put it, you're a poor man's Donald Trump, and you think that's worthy of praise? I'll trade one million MBAs for one Jonas Salk any day of the week. You may have fooled yourself into thinking that greed and gluttony need a graduate program, but no one else is that delusional.

Comment Re:If the visible hand of government lets go (Score 1) 435

Why do you think oil is cheaper than orange juice? It's because we demand cheap access, or we invade. Just read about the Pentagon flatly stating they will "not tolerate" Iran's alleged threats to close the Strait of Hormuz. Control over the region is also used as "veto power" in geopolitics.

If you don't think so, ask yourself why we have invaded Iraq a half dozen times in the 20th Century. It poses no threat to our national security, and has no resource other than oil. Why did we overthrow the Mossadegh government in Iran and then divide their oil fields between BP and American oil companies. Then ask yourself why we consider Saudi Arabia an ally, even though they're beheading people for witchcraft and treat women like garbage, and make Iran look like a paradise in comparison. It's because they sell us oil and support our iron grip on the region, because it also serves their interests.

If you know of a nation we've invaded more times with more resources than Iraq, just name it and provide your sources.

Comment Re:If the visible hand of government lets go (Score 2) 435

Germany also has one of the highest ratios (approximately 20%) of renewable energy production precisely because they tax non-renewables and subsidize green energy. Germany is the exception, not the rule.

Huge government subsidies in the form of never-ending wars in the middle east and military technology investment have led to our dependence on fossil fuels... I'm not sure why you're against a similar method of weening ourselves off of them.

Comment Re:If the visible hand of government lets go (Score 5, Informative) 435

Governments last year gave $43 billion to $46 billion of support to renewable energy through tax credits, guaranteed electricity prices known as feed-in tariffs and alternative energy credits, the London-based research group said today in a statement. That compares with the $557 billion that the International Energy Agency last month said was spent to subsidize fossil fuels in 2008.


You were saying?

Comment Re:"Earlier than expected"? (Score 1) 421

If you actually have evidence that someone did all that complex soil and sediment analysis in a specific field in Peru, please provide a link, as I will definitely include that in my museum of the least optimally spent money

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the dumbest motherfucker alive who is somehow capable of using a computer.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 1) 451

If you do not stand by to free man from the clutches of another man, you are by choice, the very type of person you so much despise

The real question would be, do you support China invading the United States if they think we aren't free? You're not even thinking about that, but that's alright. I had no reason to expect any real ideas from you.

There's a decent argument to be made that North Korea would be more like China if we hadn't invaded. That is another example of a decision made by people who thought they knew how to "fix" a political movement that threatened their interests by responding with extreme violence. The Korean war was fairly successful, especially compared to our similar invasions of Southeast Asia, half of Central and South America, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Haiti, and the dozen other nations we've destroyed with our ignorance.

Keep cheering on the death and destruction and pretend it's for freedom. You're doing exactly what your owners expect you to do, and they didn't even have to ask for your fealty: you freely gave it to them, no questions asked. All they had to do is say some nice sounding words, and you handed over your pocketbook and your children's future without even thinking about it. Wave the flag. Close your eyes. Remember: you're a real American.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 1) 451

I'm firmly against empire and the destruction of national sovereignty. The question is: do you support worldwide state violence to keep the United States in power?

I don't care about your bullshit intellectualism. The 21st century is no place for eugenics or the dogmas surrounding original sin.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 1) 451

There's a difference between dissecting your reptilian ethics and your proposal for the continuation of worldwide violence that will kill us all if we can't adapt a different way of living.

I think your ideas are horrible and ignorant, but that doesn't mean I want to cause you bodily harm.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 1) 451

The nature of man. From a cultural aspect you can subdue it, but only for a limited time before it too becomes eroded and corrupted with our true genetic nature.

These are excuses fascists use to excuse their immorality and violence. You can fucking keep it for yourself.

And as nature has proven through evolution, only the strong survive to displace the meek.

Is that why dinosaurs are still around? The most adaptable survive. You're at the top of your food chain because you can think, use tools, plan ahead, and adapt to your environment beyond your genetic attachments, not because you're the strongest. You speak as if you've derived all of your thoughts from some uneducated Republican.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 2) 451

That's just like saying the world will always have institutional world-wide slavery, or witch-hunts, or colonialism. You can't evolve society if you base all of your decisions on the belief that we can't change.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 5, Informative) 451

calling the US "everything that's wrong with the world" is so moronic that it evokes outrage.

The main difference between all of those countries doing wrong and the United States is that we do evil in other countries, and they do it within their own borders. That's doesn't make us better, it's just a reflection of our status as the world's only superpower and the relative health of our electoral system. We watched Syria and Egypt and Tunisia and Turkey murder for decades without saying much about it, because we found them useful. And back when we controlled Iran with a dictatorship, we shut down the free press just as we did after we invaded Iraq.

Hypocrisy is indeed what is wrong with the world. Grow the fuck up already.

Comment Re:U.S. (Score 5, Informative) 451

Right, the Islamic Republic of Iran just wants to live their lives peacefully. And they do nothing bad.... like, sponsor Hezbollah or ship weapons or participate in kidnappings. Nope, if the US went away, everything would be right as rain in Iran. Right?

The Islamic Republic of Iran wouldn't exist without the US. Remember, we destroyed their democracy in 1953 because they were trying to nationalize their oil fields, and kick us out. British Petroleum began its life as Anglo-Iranian Oil, which was known as Anglo-Persian Oil before that. The company was literally founded on the outright theft of all of Iran's oil, along with a handful of American companies that got their cut after Operation Ajax was complete. We installed the Shah, he repressed and radicalized the population with our money and training, and then the people revolted, as they often do.

We helped Britain divide and administer their post-war winnings after WWII that largely has started all of this mess. (Do you think oil-rich Iraq was divided equally into Kurdish, Shiite, and Sunni populations by accident?) We backed Saddam to punish the newly independent Iran after they overthrew our Shah. We participated in the proxy wars which destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran in the 80s. We allowed Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons -- as in, we certified them as nuclear free every year -- during the 80s in exchange for helping us smuggle weapons into Afghanistan. We backed Mubarak. We were pals with Gaddafi while he was torturing and murdering people because he was selling oil to us, but that was all the way back in 2009. We allow Turkey to murder and suppress Kurds at their whim because they are an ally. We didn't say much about Syria at first because it was one of our blacksites. We're still watching Bahrainis get murdered because we like the sitting government that allows our fleet that we use to project power into that Middle East to have a massive billion dollar operations base.

The US isn't the root of all evil, but in the modern Middle East, it's the root of most of it.

Comment Re:And something people need to remember (Score 5, Informative) 523

Though I would then ask you to show what information leaked you believe was so important for the public to know

After Disclosures by WikiLeaks, Al Jazeera Replaces Its Top News Director

"CAIRO -- Al Jazeera, the pan-Arab news network financed by Qatar, named a member of the Qatari royal family on Tuesday to replace its top news director after disclosures from the group WikiLeaks indicating that the news director had modified the network's coverage of the Iraq war in response to pressure from the United States...

In at least one instance, involving a report on the network's Web site, Mr. Khanfar said in the cable that he had changed coverage at the American official's request. He said he had removed two images depicting wounded children in a hospital and a woman with a badly wounded face."

The fact that American officials are censoring the media, including Al Jazeera, may not be news to you, but it does further explain why the Iraq War looked nothing like Vietnam as far as news coverage was concerned. It wasn't because it was a good war. It was because reporting was limited to what American officials wanted Americans to see.

Comment Re:Novelty. (Score 1) 80

This is not the same thing. It's the difference between trying to learn how to change an oil filter by looking at a series of pictures of an engine, versus looking at the engine itself.

To put it in another way, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a three dimensional moving model is worth a thousand pictures.

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