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Journal Journal: After Several Months Not Bothering 5

I visit a few threads here, on reasonable topics - like Barrett Brown case, etc.

The level of discourse has really troughed. It's like "conversation" between the Dufflepuds..

It's not worth even trolling these people. There isn't enough signal-to-noise for this to even register.

Comment When you get to it (Score 1) 22

The common denominator apps for Web, Twitter, Maps, Angry Birds, MP3 player and whatnot are basically equal across platforms. You can easily adapt to the peculiarities of one, so that the familiarity becomes an actual asset. Differentiation is then minor preferences in form factor, UI idiosyncrasy, etc.

But when you get to serious applications for music recording, editing and processing - or astronomical observation - or organising a rock climbing expedition - or any other rather specialised pursuit?

iOS is really the leader space. Because the tablet really is all about the apps. I can do everything from replace a 4-track studio to manage XBMC/Kodi, before a jailbreak. Nobody bothers with this stuff for Win or Droid. They seem destined for Spotify not Garage Band.

Comment Re:Allow me to point out... (Score 1) 351

Bizarre argumentation. One hardly knows where to begin with your assumptions and red-herring analogies.

To address your first point - with it's ill-considered implications of parity between democracy, capitalism and actual worth or value: Commercial success at this scale simply indicate how thoroughly that vulgarity and thoughtlessness have been cultivated and encouraged by this media-driven culture over the past 90-100 years or so.

When people make "free choices" in such a society, they do so in appalling ignorance, with a maximum of empty stimulation. This is the post-Edward Bernays world.

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