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Comment Re:CNAME under the publisher's domain (Score 1) 731

Yes, of course its trivial to block. Many already does that.

The name of the domain makes it easy to just block all content from just that domain.
Doesnt matter if they call it or or or

If its all ads from one of the "legit" subdomains, its easy to block just that domain.

If that is hidden behind a URL scheme with (or /media/ /partners /whatever/ ) its easy to block.

If ads is added bya specific script file that all webpages include - just block that script file.

Blocking ads speed up the browsing. If you never intend to buy from internet-ads anyway and instead
always use consumer compare sites for selecting which product to buy - who needs ads anyway ?

Comment Re:Percentages that don't add up (Score 1) 185

Actually the reverse is probably more true.

The fact that 25% of jobs are claimed to be dependent on IP does not mean that those job will get lost if no IP existed. There is alot to suggest that most of those jobs would still be in demand even if IP does not exists. Because someone need to program that software. someone need to write that music and someone need to write that book.

The business would change yes - but there still would be a demand for the products so how much loss in jobs would one see if all IP was no longer enforaceble ? And how many new business oppurtunies and new jobs would we not see if IP was abandoned ?

Removing IP can lead to a world with even more jobs available then before.

Comment Re:Something I've been ruminating about all day (Score 1) 305

Given the fact that the gain will reach 0 one day. Its built in that it will happen.
That day the bitcoins will slowly get eroded away and lost in the big bucket in the sky.

In the end most bitcoins will mostly be nothings - lost bitcoins that will never be recoverable and the total worth of the bitcoin market will be highly exaggerated without anyone knowing if they still exists or are lost.

Comment Its never stopped its been going on for 4-5 years (Score 1) 201

The scammers behind it has just moved from country to country and when done in one they moved on to the next. When gone through all the worlds countries they are back in the same old countries again.

So its still ongoing - they have never stopped. The fact that not Interpol has managed to stop them is a sure sign of the fact that the police is nearly incapable of stopping common criminals who operate out of other countries.

Comment Re:OSS - with 100% less big brother then commercia (Score 1) 183

The fact that open source projects accept code from others don't mean that anyone can enter code into a project. New code is checked by a maintainer before being added to the project to make sure its dont suck like closed source code often does.

Most of the old bugs are not in open sourced projekt. Most of the open source projects find that security problems is in new code.

The smart people like me are slow to change to new code unless they have to because of security reasons. Doing that
other have time to find any bugs and straighten them out before we use the new code.

Its a win win from a security standpoint to use open source. If you want - you can always do your own code review if you think something fishy is going on.

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