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Comment Re:The memo you are about to see (Score 2) 161

Why would that be better?

Bahahaha. Satire much?

But seriously, lots of large companies don't think employees need mobile devices in the first place but employees who feel pressured to be high value contributors will do it anyway because they feel it gives them a leg up on the other employees. Paying 1,000 more phone bills isn't a tempting proposition for most large orgs, so there will be fallout from this.

Comment Re:The memo you are about to see (Score -1, Flamebait) 161

I can't remember the last time I saw a payphone in the wild.

The ghetto. Seriously, you know when you are in a bad neighborhood when you see a payphone. Probably explains why so many people say things like "gee all the payphones are gone!" thanks to their relatively privileged existence. I'm not judging, but that's how the class system in the USA works.

Comment Re:That's it? (Score 1) 611

Even worse, how is the money distributed? Who determines the "worth" of a web site or other online resource, and then allocates them their cut?

The current free-market system with sites supported by ads isn't perfect, but it's like democracy - Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

One can imagine (but probably not implement) a system where an ISP would maintain a "client access system" that signaled to compatible web sites that the user was willing to pay for content services. The signal would provide how much the user is willing to pay (to allow for ISPs to maintain different tiers) and the web site would, in return, defer ads and other annoyances for users who were willing to pay enough. Leave it up to the sites to say how much that threshold is, and leave it up to the ISPs to set the tiers and track the usage (like they dont do these two things already?) and lastly, divvy up the money. The free market still has a say in what sites are visited and what users are willing to pay.

But then the problems roll in: malware that forces site usage in the background. Sites that take your money but don't give a higher quality of service... And last but probably not least: users who have no idea how a system this convoluted works at all, and make very poor spending decisions with their capital.

Comment The memo you are about to see (Score 5, Funny) 161

"From now on you are NOT to use your personal cellphones or other mobile devices for any work purposes. You will not be reimbursed. Use a payphone instead, and present all receipts to accounting for prompt reimbursement. Thank you for your help as we prioritize our cost metrics and structure our teamgroups toward innovative human-centered investment"

Comment Re:Actually... (Score 1) 123

If a doctor recommended surgery, and the mortality rate was 1 in 4000, I'd make damn sure the benefits outweighed the risk. And I'd update my will.

Boy are you in for a rude shock. Even a common place apendectomy has a mortality rate of about 2% last time I checked.

Have fun never having surgery for anything!!

You think the odds of surviving the appendectomy are low? Try surviving without one...

Comment Re:$200MM (Score 3) 107

My balls it is. The only place I've ever seen it as such is on slashdot, and here twice.

Want to see it in action? Look no further than the home page of the world's sixth largest bank:

Hover over "Business" and "Commercial" and you will note that their definition of those two classes relies on the MM suffix. I don't blame you for never having even imagined a context where millions of dollars was relevant, but you will find that it's a big world out there.

Comment Re:Let developers respond to a review ... (Score 1) 249

Moderation would work better if you could hear both sides. Let developers respond to a review like on Google Play.

Many people seem to use reviews as an alternative to contacting customer support. For legit problems there is some fairness in doing so. However there are times when a user is confused and the develop has no way to contact that user. It would also be useful for developers to respond indicating when a real problem is fixed.

Letting the developers worry about it seems like the only fair solution. Should there really be a market for apps that recreate other apps just a tiny bit better/shinier? If an app is really noteworthy, some venue outside the app store (blogs, tech news outlets, etc) will take notice and promote it.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 457

Its not worse now than it's ever been in the past. Get the fuck over it

Everyone is waiting for this to be "Solved" just like 13 years ago, they were waiting for spam to be "solved" as the ratio of junk email to desirable email kept going up and up and up. Well, put everyone (just about) on the same email platform and presto, you have no more spam! A solution like that for trolling is perhaps forthcoming, but still a ways off. That doesn't stop people from sitting on their hands and wishing for it, though.

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 218


Reading comprehension is such a lost art these days. It was the H1N1 virus that caused the pandemic, which the Chinese scientists used in their research; not the results of the Chinese research that caused the pandemic.

From the cited article:

a team of Chinese scientists to create a hybrid viral strain between the H5N1 avian influenza virus and the H1N1 human flu virus that triggered a pandemic in 2009 and claimed several thousand lives.

For those challenged individuals, this sentence fragment should be parsed as:

(a team of Chinese scientists) ... (create a hybrid viral strain) (BETWEEN) (the H5N1 avian influenza virus) AND (the H1N1 human flu virus that triggered a pandemic in 2009 and claimed several thousand lives).

There aren't enough modpoints, they should just let you edit TFS. Good thing the Slashdot moderators fact checked that juicy little detail. Apparently "Lasrick (2629253)" is beyond reproach.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 2) 220

Modern phones are extremely durable.

I used to think so, and then I started paying attention to the screens of those around me while traveling (airports should be renamed for the most common activity there... "stareatyourphonefor90minutesports") and it's appalling. Among those aged 16-24 (guessing) I counted 2/3 of them have phones with shattered screens. Not just a hairline crack or two, I mean a huge bulls-eye shatter covering most of the face, observable from a good 20 feet away. And they text and twitter and snapchat like it's not even there. Modern phones are indeed durable, if only for their ability to keep all those glass pieces together and somehow not cut up the fingers of the operator. Amazing, really.

Comment Re:Sniffs out.. (Score 2) 158

... the traces of cocaine that can be found on every single U.S. treasury note.

Presumably the cocaine traces are thanks to this exact smuggling operation; someone gets clean money from their bank, buys some coke, the bill gets handed up and up and up the drug hierarchy and ends up in Mexico to be used mostly to pay gun runners for premium US goods, which then ends up back in circulation in the US. I wonder if they could not only find the money but deduce what kind of drug ring is behind it...

Comment Re:Most of us have some weakness (Score 1) 267

If you passed the standard screening test in school, you probably thought you were perfect in this regard. Actually, most of us have some weakness and there are tests for that. Try this one. It was rather tedious for me; one of the hardest perceptual tests I've taken. You need patience, so set aside some time. I got a TES (Total Error Score) of 12. YMMV because of monitor quality and other factors. The official version of this test uses actual physical tiles, and specifies what kind of lighting to use in the room.

Good news, everyone! The results of the color blindness test are in, and we also have a new policy regarding who is no longer allowed to change the tail lights on the ship...

Comment Re: Other explanations (Score 2) 72

I've found that MANY hotels (as of two years ago anyway) seem to only have a t-1 line (symmetrical 1.x mbps at 4am being my best speed tests).

Many hotels (or at least the company they pay to manage their network, like Windstream) have at least a slight sense of service management, and cap single hosts to about a T1 worth at any given time. These days a 1.44Mbit downstream would be crushed after 2 users tried to get on Youtube at the same time.

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