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Comment Re:That was quick ... (Score 1) 103

This still isn't enough though. Knowingly doing this should be a criminal offense.

Even that isn't enough. Any system that gives aid and comfort to the extortionists is, by definition, corrupt. An appropriate response would be to create a centralised, universal licensing system to replace existing individual rights-holding licensing. Ends exclusive licenses, therefore prevents region blocking (by allowing other companies to exploit the absence), allows competition and model-differentiation in the distribution marketplace, allows artists to register directly and easily, letting them bypass the Big Four. And sends a clear message that if you don't play nicely with other children, we will take your toys away.

Comment Re:That was quick ... (Score 5, Interesting) 103

that they have done the right thing here.

Done the right thing? Passed a law slavishly devoted to the copyright industry's wishes? So mindlessly copied the US version that it contained the same decade-known flaw, an absence of penalties for false-notices, fraudulent-notices, spamming robo-notices, allowing 3rd party companies to create whole business models around extorting fake "fines" out of people? How is any of that the "right thing"?

Comment Re:A bit off topic (Score 1) 213

And small mass benefits on one stage means very large benefits for your payload capacity delivered to space.

You are getting your rocket equation backwards. While small changes to payload result in exponentially increasing changes through the stages, reciprocally it takes a large change to the first stage to have a small effect on payload.

Comment Re:What is CES? (Score 1) 162

I don't know if there is a googolplexplex (10 to the power of googolplex)

Yes, and it actually was originally called a googolplexplex, but it has been reformed as "googolduplex", in order to standardise the next orders, googoltriplex, googolquadplex (10^10^10^googol, 10^10^10^10^googol, respectively) ... googol-n-plex.

Once you get above a googoldecaplex (ten repetitions of "plex"), you get into googol-10^n-plex notation. Once you get into googolmilliplex (googol-1000-plex), you get into googol-10^3n-plex notation. And so on. [Note googolmilliplex, googol-10^3-plex, is 10^10^10^10...10^100. With 1000 10's raised to 10^100. Googolmegaplex, googol-10^6-plex, is 1,000,000 10's, raised to 10^100.)

Then you have "Great" numbers which are one power higher than their namesakes. Like "Great Googol", which is 10^101. Or "Great Googolplex", 10^(googol+1). And Googolbang or googol-factorial, (10^100)!, which is roughly 1.63 x googlplex^100 (1.6294... x 10^10^100^100. Interestingly, in spite of having a hundred googolplexes of digits, it only has 18 significant figures.)

These are, of course, only the smaller googol related numbers. At some point it really gets silly.

Comment Re:/me is waiting for BBC iPlayer to do the same (Score 1) 121

It's worth noting that unlike Hulu/Netflix/iTunes, Auntie doesn't go out of her way to block people who take even basic measures to bypass geo-blocking.

For example, on Firefox I use the Modify Headers addon and an "X-Forwarded-For" entry with the Beeb's own IP address. ( There are other addons that make it as simple as clicking on a flag. Bit easier than screwing around with VPNs or DNS spoofing.

Comment Re:Do I buy it? (Score 5, Insightful) 235

What's especially weird about this article is that neither Branson nor Musk have ever said that their space ventures are anything other than a method of making them a bunch of profit...

Nor have they "egotistically proclaim[ed] that they alone can solve mankind's problems, from aging to space travel." Nor "all the talk of exploration." Nor "shoot endangered animals on safari".

Seriously, the guy is nothing but a walking strawman.

There's plenty of things you can criticise the "PayPal mafia" and NewSpace over, especially Thiel and Branson respectively, but nothing that the Professor is going on about even comes close to a valid criticism. (Or even something that has anything to do with reality.) It's bizarre that someone would say it, but crazy that a major newspaper would actually publish it.

"The more recent trend is billionaires making fleets of rocket ships"

A) "recently", for something that's over a decade old, suggests that he's only just heard about it and because he only just heard about it, thinks it's new.

B) "fleets of rocket ships" is how a child would see it. Suggesting the guy is not only ignorant, but is surrounded by ignorant people.

"neither [Elon] Musk's nor [Richard] Branson's goals really seem to break new ground"

VG won't be doing anything special, (although even a private sub-orbital system is new; nothing like SS2 exists. X-15 with passengers and open space.)

But Musk already has the cheapest launcher on the market (perhaps ignoring a few micro-launchers), is about to develop fly-back first stage (something the industry has been wishing for since the early sixties), and is developing a private manned capsule, and is developing a heavy lift launcher that costs less than any other medium-lift launcher on the market even if they doesn't achieve reusability, and he's working with NASA to develop a Saturn V F1-class engine for a Saturn V class launcher, and he wants to go to Mars.

Not breaking new ground? What the fuck does this idiot want from them, a warp drive?

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