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Comment Re:Not quite comparable (Score 5, Interesting) 215

Companies can also install them just by hiring an ordinary commercial electrician (or an industrial electrician for the fast-charge options). They don't need specific govt approval or licences, nor conduct EIS studies, nor do major construction. They can add points to light-poles in your open-air carpark, or run them along walls in a parking structure. Much less infrastructure than bowsers.

You can install an outside (unmetered) 240VAC/20A power-point for maybe $50 parts plus labour. A standard three-phase (400V/30A) box w/- EFTPOS is about $600, plus labour. A DC 30m-fast-charge station w/- EFTPOS is about $3000, plus some back-end costs for the DC. The low cost means a company can add a row of free 240V charging points just for PR, even if they don't get used much; then ramp up to faster charging and paid charging (charged charging?) once they gauge demand or the number of BEVs increases.

There's vastly less commitment required to get started. And the financial return-per-point can be vastly less for it to be worthwhile.

Comment Re:DSCOVR? (Score 1) 48


Modern NASA has a thing for retarded backronyms. This one is particularly forced. ("OVR" is "Observer"? Fuck off.) Older programs were given names for the sake of names. "Pioneer", "Voyager", "Mariner". Not MARINR (MArs Remote ImagiNg observeR).

Still, at least the damn thing is flying after being mothballed for 15 years years because of its association with Al Gore.

Comment Re:And now Elon's thinking... (Score 2) 48

you can bet the Air Force will still be involved, since the launch trajectory for equatorial orbits crosses Florida.

By the time a Brownsville/Boca-Chica launch crosses the Florida peninsula, it will above 50km and not a range-safety issue. In fact, it'll be well after first stage separation, and may even be after second stage MECO.

The USAF will routinely track it as they would any launcher, or ICBM or IRBM, launched by anyone, anywhere in the world, but that will have nothing to do with launch ops and will have no effect on SpaceX's decision to launch.

Comment Re:Mandatory Pratchett quote. (Score 4, Informative) 60

Since I've already been a pedantic wanker in this thread, I might as well dance...

"Colonel Shrapnel wasn't blown up, M. Guillotin died with his head on, Colonel Gatling wasn't shot. If it hadn't been for the murder of cosh and blackjack maker Sir William Blunt-Instrument in an alleyway, the rumour would never have got started." - Feet of Clay

Henry Shrapnel died a lieutenant-general, and was posthumously promoted to major-general. Convention is to use that final rank, however even if you are trying to be contemporaneous, he invented the eponymous shell while a lieutenant, so colonel is still wrong.

Richard Gatling was a medical doctor before becoming an engineer/inventor. He ran his engineering company during the US Civil War, and AFAIK he never served.

Likewise, Joseph-Ignace Guillotin was a French physician. Hence Docteur Guillotin, Monsieur Docteur, even Monsieur Medicins, but never Monsieur Guillotin. (Wikipoo says that Guillotin didn't actually invent the guillotine and opposed the death penalty, his family ended up changing their family name due to the shame. Also that a guy called Guillotin was guillotined.)

And finally, Willem Blunt was never knighted, the most he ever got was an OM. "Blunt Instrument" was also a nickname, not his actual surname. So, Willem "Blunt Instrument" Blunt OM. And he died after drunkenly falling off a horse, not being bashed in an alley.

Sir Terence Pratchett, OTOH, has an OBE and is fully entitled.

Comment Re:wrong (Score 3, Insightful) 60

The AED can't restart the heart from true "flat line" (asystole). You have to force the heart into some kind of activity using manual CPR, and ideally a suitable drug, to give the AED something to bite on.

However, tachycardia can appear pulseless even though the heart is still beating (dysrhythmically), and the AED alone can shock-stop that dysrythmia and allow the heart to restore its own timing. That's where the advice to use the AED "even if their heart has stopped" comes from; their heart hasn't actually stopped.

Comment Re:bad title (Score 1) 113

How did the selfie result in an accident?

Flash photography in the cockpit at night at low altitude during touch-and-go's. Part of a pattern of such behaviour by the pilot.

What can be done to prevent that *kind of* judgement lapse from causing an accident in the future? Blaming the pilot will not answer these questions.

Actually, blaming the pilot is the only thing that might help prevent a repeat. It really is just a "seriously guys, don't do that, it's retarded" situation.

Comment Re:Gag warrants... (Score 2) 159

The TLAs can effectively DOS the warrant canaries in their current form.

Many companies challenge the warrants, subpoenas and NSLs. (At the sort of the companies with Warrant Canaries.) If a TLA starts to issue frivolous ones, eventually a judge (yes, even an American judge) will see it as an abuse of process. That ruling then sets the precedent for the rest to be challenged.

NSL-DOSing may actually be a good thing for EFF/ACLU and the companies that object to these secret orders, since the agencies issuing them will inevitably make a mistake.

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