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Comment Pointless (Score 2, Insightful) 267

As a DB admin myself, I find these "Us vs Them" arguments to be ultimately pointless. A company will choose a database based on the application's needs. If "immediate consistency" is needed they will choose a standard relational database. If "eventual consistency" is acceptable, the company may opt for one of the other "not-so-relational" databases. The fact that there are other options is actually a good thing. The "old guard" needs to find the positives and embrace change, or run the risk of being left behind in an evolving world of technology.

Comment Re:Who really cares what RMS says? (Score 1) 747

I think his problem is with the obfuscation of said javascript and HTML code. His example points to the google code which is supplied with no comments and method naming which has been intentionally obfuscated. A normal web developer has no need to obfuscate the code.

Are you sure that the intent is to obfuscate? There's no other possibility? Maybe shrinking the size of the file transferred to increase performance?

Think of it like modding. Customizing something to fit what the user wants is an incredibly powerful thing and can actually increase the usage of your web app. Think of greasemonkey plugin, which allows you to add some pretty cool functions to certain sites that don't already come with that site. Just because you can't imagine the possibilities doesn't mean someone else won't.

Fine. I'll buy that. But that's a "functionality" thing, not really a "proprietary vs open" thing. Your average user doesn't know or care about that stuff. All they care about is whether or not the website works the way its supposed to.

Comment Who really cares what RMS says? (Score 2, Insightful) 747

It's getting to the point that RMS just spouts crap to be heard. Most website developers use java script to get some functionality working, and java script is the easiest to do so. There is (usually) no intent to do harm, or take over your computer, or lie to you, or stalk your grandmother. The developer just wants to deliver the site to its users complete with certain functionality. Why would you want to run your own version of its java script? This is such nitpicking crap that its not worth reading.

Comment Linux is not about market share (Score 1) 791

The people that are jumping up and down about Linux not gaining market share simply don't get Linux. It's like market analysts trying to analyze a block party, not realizing that its a block party not a stock exchange. Linux is not about market share. It's about creating an OS that works. If people like it, they use it. If they don't like it (or don't understand it), they use something else. There is no marketing plan. There is no "market expansion". There is no "competition". People who want it, use it. People who want to make it better, develop for it. People who don't, don't. That's it. Even Linus himself said that the destruction of Microsoft will be a totally unintended side effect. Yes, he was be sarcastic, and he was only talking about one company, but it's basically true. There was no intention of competing with anybody. Anyone who tries to make it out to be simply doesn't understand how Linux came about, why it still exists, and how it will continue to grow and thrive despite other people's warnings of "not gaining market share".

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