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Comment Re:The whole idea is crazy (Score 1) 288

It's meaningless. Time is part of space-time (unsurprisingly given the name). Space-time came into existence via the Big Bang (let's just pretend our theories are right for the moment, as wrong as that obviously is). Before is a reference to time. There is no time without space-time and thus there is no "before the Big Bang".

It's like asking "what is above the Universe" - which is also meaningless since above (and let's again pretend and say we a have a frame of reference here) is a reference to space. There is no space outside the Universe and hence no "above".

Now you might want to argue that maybe there is a multiverse and other universes with which have space and time outside of our one. But you can't use "before" across such times, just like you can't use "above" across such spaces.

Comment Re:Why is it even a problem? (Score 1) 493

There's no claim of conspiracy there. It's a pretty set of claims.

1. Feminists claim that females are discriminated against because men are oppressors.
2. Most school teachers are females.
3. Teachers discriminate against females when it comes to "tech" (whatever that is).
4. We seem to have an issue with 1 and 3.

None of those are a vast conspiracy. Of course it's clearly garbage (in addition to being useless) on a number of possible fronts.

That women have been co-opted by the patriarchy is hardly a foreign argument and makes 4 not an issue at all would be one. That feminist claims are irrelevant since it's an issue of data and observation - "feminist agenda" isn't a factor at all (it's not a SJW rant).

This is a pretty damning claim:

Beginning in 2002, the researchers studied three groups of Israeli students from sixth grade through the end of high school. The students were given two exams, one graded by outsiders who did not know their identities and another by teachers who knew their names.

In math, the girls outscored the boys in the exam graded anonymously, but the boys outscored the girls when graded by teachers who knew their names. The effect was not the same for tests on other subjects, like English and Hebrew.

Of course I don't know the details and using "two exams" rather than having the same exam graded twice seems pretty stupid - though that might be the journalist getting it wrong. And Israel is not the US (this isn't physics in which the laws are the same in both places...).

Comment Re:Attempted murder by proxy (Score 1) 327

Except we know SWAT teams are badly trained morons who throw flashbangs into baby cribs, raid the wrong houses, mistake cups of water for guns, and so on.

And hence the "prankster" knows that there's a chance his action are going to result in someone dieing. Of course you're never going to make that stick, otherwise everyone who ran a red light would be up on "attempted manslaughter" charges. And yes that sounds like a self contradicting term, but surprise surprise:

How you can attempt to do something involuntary I would have to leave to that guys clearly brilliant defense attorney to explain....

Comment Re:rm (Score 1, Offtopic) 233

There was always one student who when tarring up their code for submission for an assignment would leave off the tar file name:

tar -cf *

I hope that first file wasn't important :)

Of course then they'd see there was no tar file when they tried to submit and would then run:

tar -cf assignment.tar *

Not noticing that that first file isn't what they thought it was anymore.

Comment Re:Homeopathy IS fraud (Score 1) 412

And thus any claims that do seem to make are not actually claims but mere "fluff".

Of course they idiots who buy it don't notice that and the makers are going to try and be as deceptive as they can be (apparently we've found one limit to that deception - don't claim the product contains things it does not claim, and don't claim is doesn't contain things that it does :)

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