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Comment Re:Soon to be patched (Score 1) 329

Shill much? I had three machines. One running Ubuntu, one Centos and the last one FreeBSD. The FreeBSD box was scripted to update ports regularly. The Ubuntu machine also runs updates from cron. The Centos wasn't set to update automatically but updated without issue. I went ahead and made it update on a weekly schedule while I was at it. In short free does not mean maintenance free. Microsoft has had its share of bugs some of which remain unpatched to this day.

Comment Re:I'm gonna go with (Score 1) 200

Ill just leave this here. Feel free to ignore it if it doesn't match your version of reality.
NASA can't hire enough engineers. Why?
NASA faces looming engineer shortage.
The ones they have are leaving. Why?
The Flight of Gifted Engineers From NASA
Bureaucracy is great when they are getting the job done. Not so much when they slow and often halt progress. They are inefficient with the current management style they use. Bureaucracy run amok is my take on it. Poor decision making and bureaucratic overhead preventing things from being done cheaper. Wasteful money pits where they pour cash and get nothing in return.
NASA Has Spent $20 Billion On Canceled Projects

Comment Re:not likely (Score 1) 200

Your so wrong i don't know where to begin. We have exactly one solution for bandwidth. We are not multihomed since there is one single pipe in this area. The local cache solution uses as much bandwidth as our users. Your ignorance of circumstance is obvious and rather pathetic. There is no money from the fed for last mile internet down here. We have to match our capabilities with resources. Its the crap streaming model thats at fault not our bandwidth. We are planning to buy more as soon as we can but it won't be enough. You know nothing about how oversold we are. I don't want a local cache at our headend I want it at the customer level, where it belongs. You don't hear us gripping about youtube its caches to devices not Netflix its crap on crap with them ad infintum.

Comment Re:not likely (Score 1) 200

Other customers are demanding other bits and they don't wan't to pay more to feed others hunger for back to back streams of game of thrones. Its a poorly designed system and its not the isp's at fault its the netflix don't understand how to do things efficiently. And that box that locally caches netflix, it uses almost as much bandwidth as our customers use. Thats straight from netflix. Its crap on top of crap with them.

Comment not likely (Score 0) 200

They are dreaming. We are thinking about throttling them here right now. Why should we let all those other sites suffer due to one service using nearly 75% of our bandwidth. Let them fix their busted streaming model to include some caching ability. I mean really how hard would it be to include some kind of encrypted cache that would store media for a time. They could even sell a DVR service and make more money. The whole premise is a joke considering how its went for them so far with other cable companies.

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