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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 10 declined, 0 accepted (10 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Obama's first major step in medical research (

Bysshe writes: "In a major reversal from Bush's policy, Obama is expected to reverse the ban on federally funded stem cell research which has been crippling the US medical research system for many years. Previous to this the only research done using stem cells in the US has been done by privately funded clinics such as those sponsored by the Howard Hughes foundation."
The Internet

Submission + - Half of Pirate Bay Charges dropped (

Bysshe writes: "Half the charges against the Pirate Bay have been dropped. The industry side claims it simplification of the process while the defence claims a significant victory early in the battle.

Industry: Peter Danowsky, legal counsel for the music companies in the case, said: "It's a largely technical issue that changes nothing in terms of our compensation claims and has no bearing whatsoever on the main case against The Pirate Bay.

Defence: "This is a sensation. It is very rare to win half the target in just one and a half days and it is clear that the prosecutor took strong note of what we said yesterday," defence lawyer Per E Samuelson told the TorrentFreak website, which reports on developments in the BitTorrent file-sharing community."


Submission + - Woz as Fusion-io boss (

Bysshe writes: "Looks like Wozniak is getting a bit bored with his day job and is going for a top spot at Fusion-io as Chief Scientist. Let's hope his involvement means good things for the company, they have some impressive ambitions."
Social Networks

Submission + - Making money off Facebook (

Bysshe writes: "A bunch of different companies are trying to leverage the facebook platform to make cash. These guys at Needdit have found an innovative way to do so combining the fun and useless aspects of facebook with some real revenue generating e-commerce strategies. Blog coverage can be found here too:"
Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Sun Microsystems turnaround (

Bysshe writes: "Sun microsystems is trying to turnaround their business and recapture the startup environment that its failed at replicating for so long. Their new product line should hopefully put them back on the map as competitors in the datastorage space since they're among the first in general and of the first of the major data storage players to get solid state products in the racks. Come on SUN, bring us something worthy of the old Sparc"

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