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Comment Re:Real-time market approach (Score 1) 488

I rather doubt that people will actually react to electric prices changing. Unless there are discernible and predictable patterns most people will not notice a change in the price. Even if there is a big fat indicator of the current price visible, do you really think people will turn of the TV and turn down the heating?

Comment Re:Home storage (Score 1) 488

Having batteries at home still makes a lot of sense because you can charge them up at night when demand is low and electricity is cheap

Except that with a high solar power capacity in the network, it tends to be inverted. At night little capacity is available and the price tends to go up and at daytime with high capacity the price tends to go down. The good news is that basic demand follows the same curve as solar capacity over a day. The tricky times are during dusk, dawn and early evening, where you still have relative high demand but little capacity. Then again, I don't think solar power (fotovolatic) is a good idea.

Comment Re:Use the money you save (Score 5, Insightful) 488

You know bio diesel exists? Just use that as a fallback with ye olde diesel generator. I see totally no reason why infrastructure should collapse in a blackout without fossil fuels. Now there are good and valid concerns why you don't want to use wide scale bio diesel use, for example in cars, but that does not mean you can't use it as an energy buffer for critical infrastructure. Batteries are almost never a good idea, they are expensive and quite nefarious for the environment when at their end of life. You only really want/need batteries as a buffer until the generator kicked in.

Comment Re:Are renewable energy generators up to task ? (Score 1) 488

This is Denmark, yes? You know, the country that is surrounded by oceans that have some of the strongest tides? I think Denmark could produce almost all of it's power though tidal power plants. The only real trick is how to buffer the power during the lull of high and low tide.

You are mostly correct solar (fotovoltaic) is a dumb idea, but there are more renewable power sources than solar and wind.

Comment Re:Trolled by Soulskill (Score 4, Insightful) 834

Except for a few superfluous platitudes you appear to have no real clue. Now I don't really claim to know what gamer gate is about, but I know that in the current situation both (extreme) sides are up their ass and the TFA is more part of the problem than the solution.

I don't really have an investment in either side, I don't care much, but I saw what happened first hand from day one. To refresh your mind this all started with the "five guys" post. In this post Zoe Quinn was accused to having affairs with 5 different guys while in a relationship with the posts' author. The reason why people started talking about the issue was, that at least two people where closely related to gaming press. Honestly I was not very surprised in general, since I assumed that the some game developers where figuratively in bed with the press, that this instance it appears that this literally is almost meaningless. Nevertheless few people went ballistic about it, this partially because of previous polarized debate surrounding depression quest.

But what came next was unprecedented and actually eclipses any ethical issues surrounding Zoe. During the first day many mysteries surrounded the issue, maybe the "fives guys" post was not correct, who knows. People started to talk about the issue, some reasoned, some less reasoned and suddenly all discussion was suppressed. Entire subredits where deleted any thread on 4chan about the issue was deleted and banns where handed out generously. This pattern permeate many gaming forums. But the starkest was the disruption of 4chan, a place where racism and chauvinism is part of the community's makeup and the response not, "you can't say that, they can be nice people" but "U dimwitted retard" or Spiderman. When even reasoned debate is silenced, something wrong. As it turned out there was collusion between the sites and any moderator that disagreed was culled. That day 2/3 of 4chan's and a large number redit moderators where shown the door, simply for not suppression the topic.

Honestly would it not have been for the attempt at suppressing discussion, the issue with zoe would probably be mostly forgotten. But the real shit storm happened after the rather failed attempt at suppression. The suppression was fuel to the fire and granted the more radical elements started to become unpleasantness. (I don't support their actions, but I understand where they came from.) At the same time suddenly "feminist" voices where starting to get heard that gamer gate was a concerted effort to drive women out of gaming. At the time it made absolutely no sense. (It still doesn't, but at least it started to look plausible.) That suddenly many game journalism sites started to run articles "anti gamer", like the "Gamers are Dead" article definitely did not diffuse the situation.

I don't know where we can go from here. Harassment never was OK, but that applies to both sides. (No you don't get a "tone argument" free pass.) I will continue to mostly ignore the entire issue and continue to have fun playing games. Ignoring the trolls is almost always the best solution, no matter what banner they appear to be waving.

Comment Re:The Pentagon is more important than climate cha (Score 3, Insightful) 163

I would rather put it an other way, if you only hear one side of the story and you can't really be bothered to research the subject, why should you have an other opinion? Do you know how boring most news is? The special problem in the US is that it appears that there is collusion between news sources. In most western countries there are multiple news sources, yes they all push an agenda to a certain degree, but they are in competition. In addition a well informed individual will look at multiple news sources from different countries. But in the US, unless you really go out of your way you will not get different points of view, because the same point of view will be parroted over and over. Most people do not want to spend that mental effort...

Comment Re:Or, to put it another way... (Score 1) 217

Do not require or are designed to not require a high number of objects? If I get a dollar for each time a designer or artist bitches about them reaching the polygon/object budget, I would be rich. If you would let them they would cram the levels and geometries full of stuff and most gamers would love it. The reality is that the scenes are carefully designed to not tank. Granted More's law has helped, but more efficient code will always make people happy. But if your script code just sits around an waits for it's next tick, you cam make it inefficient, but you will bitch if your collision test takes "forever".

Comment Re:The answer (Score 1) 441

The problem here is that as a hiring manager or even an engineer you have very little to go on. No everybody is allowed the luxury of a Google style interview where a candidate if tested for an entire day. It already has been shown that the picture on a CV has more influence than the CV itself. (That is why many states have a no picture rule for CVs.) The same thing repeats in the job interview, how the person behaves and looks is way more influential than any skill he/she/it shows. In the end most hiring decisions are done based on gut feeling. The problem with gut feeling is that it is discriminatory, you have a strong bias towards liking same as you. As a person hiring someone you need to actively try to tear down your biases, to make the best over all decision. But that is really difficult.

Comment Re:The answer (Score 1) 441

I honestly think that what they bring to the table is their cultural background, not their gender or race. If you take a team of all white males age 20 - 25, who grew up all around the world, you will get better results than a group of white males ages 20 - 25 from California. If the design team of Assassins Creed would have had more women in key positions, maybe they would have noticed having a female playable character is a good idea, before the game was released. The same goes to design bureaus that make wonderful looking glass stairs.

Comment Re:Or, to put it another way... (Score 1) 217

Basically it depends. Speed is not "that important", but number of physics enabled objects on screen are. And here is the corundum, you can probably control and render a huge number of objects in say JavaScript, but never actually simulate them. The result is that the physics kernel is written in C/C++ and maybe brought into a scripting language via an API. Also the rendering core (OpenGL/Direct X) or database are written in C/C++, since they need to be fast. Your assertion is correct, high level application code often is not the critical path in performance. But low level components are, databases, drivers or simulation packages, and these are written in a language that compiles natively. But then again, there is a high chance that you are not developing one of these low level components.

Comment Re:Or, to put it another way... (Score 1) 217

Would you feel better if you replaced "abstract base class" with "interface"? I will immediately accepts that non abstract multiple inheritance is a feature that you can do without; like goto. But the actual problem is not simple multiple inheritance, that is quite simple to reconcile, but the moment the inheritance graph forms a diamond. (Do you have tow "instances" of the base class or only one?) But the use of single inheritance and multiple ABC's is no different than the use of interfaces in C# or Java. Then again, I think inheritance is THE over used feature in C++.

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