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Comment Re:Its a cost decision (Score 1) 840

KitchenAid? I don't have enough time to give you my long-winded rant over the craptastic products that I have had the pleasure of repairing with none of my major kitchen appliances being over six years old. Let's start with a microwave door that developed cracks within six months of being new, oven controls that "stuck" and had to be replaced, dishwasher rollers that are apparently not made with heat rated plastic, an oven door handle screw that fell out inside the door, cracks in the back of refrigerator wall, broken refrigerator drawers and trays, and that's not counting that I can see the non-metal bottom of the stainless steel dishwasher starting to deteroiate. I currently have an ice maker in a box waiting for me to replace the broken one in the refrigerator and a new cover for the microwave since the handle finally pulled completely through. I found out that the cover needed six tabs which were broken on the old one (from the factory). So I looked up the parts and ordered them. Plastic tabs about 1/2" long and 3/8" wide with a screw hole. Whirlpool and every third party parts place wants about $25 a piece for the six plastic tabs ($150!!) that hold the cover in place if I ordered white or stainless. Luckily, you can't see them so I was happy with the $3.75 a piece black ones.

From the web, I can tell that the products under there other various names ( are built with the same quality.

I have to give props to my wife who has on more than one occasion grabbed the parts when they arrived and fixed things herself. There are some amazing videos on YouTube showing how to repair appliances and the web makes it easy to order parts. Just a damned shame that you have to do it because the item you are repairing it shite the day it leaves the factory. Google "whirlpool lawsuit defective design" and add a word like refrigerator or icemaker.

Sometimes it isn't that one can't repair or doesn't want to. It is that the appliance in question is shite from the factory and parts are priced in such a way that repairs become increasingly expensive and you hate the damned appliance. If Whirlpool were to give me replacements, I would take them but I am adding them to the list of companies I don't want anything from. So Whirlpool ... if anyone there cares... you have a chance to redeem yourself. But my previous attempts to get satisfaction failed just like the appliances.

Comment Fix Their Wifi (Score 1) 170

Why don't you directly solve the problem and help them improve their Wifi coverage? It could be as simple as buying something more modern with more power and some repeaters. At least see if they would let you investigate it. A few hundred dollars might side step the mobile and make all of the residents live easier.

Maybe some local company would donate services or equipment to help you do this. Talk to their ISP. Who knows until you beg?

Comment Re:Drivers, its all about the drivers (Score 2) 110

We have used a Raspberry Pi to compile RTEMS ( to target the space hardened SPARC V7 ERC32 as well as gdb including a simulator. The Raspberry Pi does this and runs the tests on a simulator at approximately the same performance level as a mid-90s Sun workstation. It is a respectable CPU and great for many "ordinary" computer tasks.

Submission + - Built by Canadian Firm (

joelsherrill writes: While I personally have nothing against our neighbors to the North, it seems ironic that was built by the Canadian firm CGI Corp. Anytime a high profile US government website has problems and it turns out to have been built by non-US companies, it is a recipe for a PR nightmare. Even more ironic is that Canada has a functional national health system but couldn't supply the US with a functional website. Conspiracy theorists wonder if this is a ploy by the Canadians to take over 17% of the US economy (stat from Wikipedia)?

Submission + - ESA Summer of Code In Space Application Deadline 1

joelsherrill writes: August 8 is the deadline for students to apply to participate in the European Space Agency's Summer of Code In Space ( This is a great opportunity to contribute to the use of free and open source software in the space community and get paid. Eligible students should look through the list of software projects participating ( and see what interests them.

As the organization administrator for the RTEMS Project (, I am honored to be participating again and can't wait to see what students propose.

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