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Comment Re: Not dead, Jim. But... (Score 1) 171

In Fedora 15, the big WTF was switching to a desktop environment that does not work well or consistently with remote viewing, which is a big issue for server use.

Really? I'm not in the habit of having any sort of GUI on Linux servers. When I encounter a GUI on a server I inherit, I judge the previous maintainer to be sloppy.

Perhaps it's a generational thing, perhaps I'm missing something. More than superfluous, I view GUIs as a waste of resource.

Perhaps it's

Comment Re:Leave him alone. (Score 5, Interesting) 560

Thank you for expressing your 'doubt,' demonstrating exactly the point I wished to make, concerning insularity. You really do have no idea.

Pakistan is a Commonwealth country. It enjoys significant historical, social, political, economic, cultural, academic and sporting ties with other Commonwealth countries. Further, there are numerous expat Pakistani communities throughout the Commonwealth. As such, there is a great deal of familiarity with Pakistan in our societies.

Because they're people we know, not just "A-rabs that should be 'nuked into a great big Middle East glass parking lot." And, more to the point, Khan is not just some random Muslim that your society is quite happy to intern in a concentration camp in occupied Cuba, to us.

Here's an example: I've never met Imran, but a member of my immediate family has. I've never met Pervez Musharraf either but we did exchange a "hello" to one another when our gazes happened to meet in an Auckland hotel lobby. He was there to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. I was heading to the bar, wearing a tshirt, shorts and jandals.

You might like to put this to the test. Here's how: find the nearest Japie/Convict/Kiwi/Pom in your vicinty and say this:

"Imran ..?"
"Waqar ..?"
"Wasim ..?"
"Benazir ..?"

You'll get back "Khan, Younis, Akram, Bhuto." Betcha.

Now try that on one of your compatriots. You're likely to get a visit from Fatherland Security.

Comment Leave him alone. (Score 4, Informative) 560

American insularity is an issue here.

As some of the above posters have noted, Imran Khan was a cricketer. A very good one.

Good enough to be a household name around the cricket-playing world. Australia, the U.K., South Africa, New Zealand, the West Indies, most of the sub-continent. Around two billion people I'd guess.

While to the American public he's just another 'sand nigger' or 'towel head' or whatever other pejorative is in vogue, to much of the rest of the English-speaking world he is a well-known and widely-respected personality.

We know this guy. He's more one of us than you lot are.

Comment Maemo, Nokia web pad, Carman software (Score 1) 270

I went with Carman for Nokia's Maemo platform and a generic Bluetooth scantool. The advantage of this setup is that the Nokia webpad serves as an in-car media player, GPS unit and car computer, providing me with real-time diagnostics, positioning and entertainment.

For fault diagnostics, I gave up in the end. At least for my car, (an Audi S8) it seems there are error codes that are manufacturer specific. Without a translation table, the error codes aren't particularly useful and I couldn't find any software package that included them or, indeed, just the Audi S8 code table. Happy to be proved wrong here if someone else knows better than I do..

Comment Blizzard echoing Behlendorf (Score 2, Interesting) 475

So by pushing other people to make releases we can go on our mission to make sure the web stays healthy.

This reminds me of a comment from Brian Behlendorf concerning the design of the Apache License to allow for modifications of the code for commercial release without accompanying source code, in contrast to the GPL. Behlendorf said that this was deliberate because the Apache Foundation believed that supporting the web protocols was more important than the keeping contributions to the Apache code open source.

Interesting to see this sentiment echoed from the client side a decade later.

MS Thinks OOo is 10 Years Behind 736

greengrass writes "In a recent interview with IT Wire, general manager of business strategy for the Information Worker Group at Microsoft, Alan Yates expressed the opinion that Open Office is at the same level that MS office was around 10 years ago. Supposedly only suitable for the single desktop, isolated user. After all, it doesn't even have an e-mail client!"

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