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Comment Re:Icehouse Earth (Score 1) 637

I haven't heard the idea of seeding algal blooms with iron salts in the ocean in order to fix carbon being disproved.
I don't in general trust politicians as they tend to break more than they fix (usually due to either greed, or oversimplification).
I haven't heard of any good proposed solutions:
Carbon Cap & Fail is more central control (theft & waste), and disastrous for it.
Everyone biking isn't going to happen.
Everyone riding the bus shouldn't happen.
In general it seems to be alot more media to the tune of 'the world's on fire', and no decent solutions, let alone decent proposals.

On the other hand that is assuming all the facts are accurate, and that the assumptions based on them are correct. I don't believe that we understand this planet well enough to determine the cause yet, and probably not within my life time:
How accurate is the next days weather forecast, to a single degree? Let alone a week out, or a year...
'Climatology' is a rather young science.
Physics is rather mature (by our standards). Do you believe in the conservation of momentum? It actually doesn't hold. This has been proven by three separate groups, over the last few years, yet we still believe in this 'conservation of momentum':

In all seriousness, my point is that the world is far more complicated than we would like to believe. We only feel we understand a topic when it is comfortable to us, and that comfort is our understanding (fear of the unknown), but it is ALWAYS a gross oversimplification. We are always wrong, about everything, all of the time. The question is 'how wrong are we?'. The question is not 'are we right?'. We are never accurate enough to be called right, only, hopefully 'good enough' for the task at hand.

I don't see anything in this other than more central government control, and media buzzwords. What of the algal blooms? I am not arguing we should geo-engineer the planet, but I haven't seen that (the only viable idea) defeated by anyone, on its merits,

Regardless we shouldn't ruin ourselves in a blind frenzy to 'save the planet' (or centralize control, which is the same thing). Either way I support more research dollars for things like Thorium reactors, and solar power, as they may be the solution anyway, and the could only help.

Comment Re:the world was supposed to end years ago (Score 1) 637

'Muppet' isn't an insult to me. You will have to try harder. I rather liked the Muppets.

So nothing on the rust then? I'm from Ohio, we can give you all the rust for free! As long as you promise to take it to the ocean, that way you can be the hero of the world, solving the worlds climate crisis, with one fell, affordable swoop!

My feeble-ape-brain does realize that stopping the gulf stream requires stopping the Earth from rotating, but I am guessing you sided with the bow tie wearing Scientologist on that one:

I love that chick's smile. It is so haughty, sad, and occasionally drops to reveal a soul crushing lack of self-esteem. It is a lot like the bow tie wearing Scientologist's smile for that. It's grievous to see other humans so gleeful to be shooting each other down, as if that is their entire raison d'etre. It reminds me of this: an absolute marvel of engineering, beautiful, powerful, somewhat awe inspiring. Reduced to scraps. Fallen, never to rise again.

I do have confidence, it is born of reason. I am supposing you don't know what an algal bloom is then, or how, and why it would reverse the issues you posit actually exist?

I am a gift to the world, but not what you were hoping for. You may go about your business. Move along.

Comment Re:the world was supposed to end years ago (Score 1) 637

As well as us having hit peak oil like 5 times already, over the past nearly 50 years! One bout of peak oil was supposed to nearly kill us, I am surprised to find that we could have survived 5 of them!

Also I have a hard time taking climate scientologists seriously, as it seems to my feeble human brain that the fix of dumping rust (or perhaps a more soluble iron salt) into certain areas of the worlds oceans would cause algal blooms to fixate a great deal of carbon, thereby reversing this horrific trend of weather pattern changes. The fact that they brush the simplest, most straight-forward solution aside, and instead go for increased central government (carbon cap & fail), makes my puny ape brain go into 'suspicion' mode. I don't trust people who want to control energy; our society lives, or dies by it.

The sun drops nearly 2 horsepower per square meter at the outside of Earths atmosphere (1400 Watts), every second. To think that Sol's output varies by an entire .1% over an 11 year cycle, and that has to have nothing to do with changing temperatures on this ball of dust, no it must my SUV idling. Damn Chevy, trying to kill us all.

Comment Lost world (Score 1) 212

two weeks, and seven years ago...

What the fuck is wrong with those people? You broke the horse, so you are responsible for her. Then you push her so hard that she brakes both ankles with compound fractures, then kill her, and just move on? Brilliant comment about how she must have tripped over own legs, except for the fact that she had no fluid in her joints, that might possibly have had a lot more to do with it. Useless, sacks of shit.

Comment Re:im not sure what to make of this (Score 1) 126

Most 'sports' will leave the participant in better physical condition (i.e. healthier) than if they weren't engaged in them. E-Sports fails on that point alone. Get up, and walk around once a day. We weren't built to live on a chair. The business world has a monstrous amount of RSI related injuries for the same reason; Form & Function, yet we disregard both.

Comment Re:FFS (Score 1) 149

That is interesting. I always thought that having a bunch of warships docked at harbor like cruise liners was not terribly prudent. Especially given the oil embargo.

I was watching 'In Harms Way' on Netflix the other day, and it struck me how they called WWII 'Roosevelt's war', and John Wayne made the comment that he remembered WWI being referred to as 'Eisenhower's war'. So much is forgotten. "My people perish for lack of knowledge".

Comment Re:FFS (Score 1) 149

They also said we needed a 'new pearl harbor'. Pearl Harbor itself may have been allowed to get us into the war. Hawaii itself was unlawfully annexed, and invaded. President Cleveland called it an 'act of war'. People called us isolationist in WWII, but I believe Major General Smedly Butler's book 'War is a Racket', which sold millions of copies was likely the reason. He was the youngest Major General of the Marine Corps, and received two Congressional Medals of Honor, and the Brevet medal, all for separate actions, but he wouldn't know what he is talking about. He must be a nut job too.

I find it perfectly likely that bunch of sad, lost souls with box cutters could commandeer a jet given the air of conformity regarding hijacking at the time.

I find it egregiously unlikely that they could have also planted the requisite amount of nano-thermite (or conventional charges) required for:
Pyroclastic flow, massive amounts of glowing steel (pouring from the ~80th floor). (Aluminum won't glow yellow, as its emissivity is 1/4 that of iron / steel, Aluminum would only glow white when it finally combusts. Iron alloys at the temperature indicated by yellow are already beyond aluminums boiling point, and carpet fibers would not glow so uniformly, or so brightly). To turn the subbasements into a 'foundry' with 'rivers of molten steel'. To create the WTC meteorite (with manganate, sulfur, etc. which is indicative of thermate, a 'cutter' charge which corrodes steel better than thermite). To drop all three buildings into (nearly) their footprints at (roughly) free-fall speed. Even looking just at that some of the 11 towers of that complex had huge amounts of debris fall on top of them, and were still standing. To create explosions of sufficient force to shatter the support pillars in the subbasements, rend the elevator doors from their frames. Rip a man's skin off of his arms (all 80 stories below the impact), and destroy the marble paneling, and windows of the first floor. There is even a photo of a central support column cut at a 45 degree angle where the frozen steel rivulets running down it didn't even have time to rust yet.

Cut the power for the whole previous weekend, remove the bomb sniffing dogs (etc. etc.)

We needed a Goldstein. Instead we got a SIlverstein. My favorite quote was his on a PBS documentary where he said he had been talking with the fire captain, "and they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse" (regarding Tower #7). o'course later he said he was referring to pulling the people out of the buliding, or some such. Though the building had been on fire for multiple hours, and was already evacuated apparently didn't matter.

All the 'conspiracy' aside the towers fell after jets hit them, so we replace it with a single tower made of glass, looking like a giant dagger? What a massive amount of idiocy. You would think they would want a more impact resistant structure, not less.

The pentagon looked consistent with a jet impact, pilots saying it couldn't swing around that fast, I can't comment on. It is suspicious that they left out the most interesting frames, and that the jet hit an area that was under construction, and so less populous than it should have been.

My personal favorite item of all of the insanity was the gent on the PA flight that calls his mom. Identifies himself by his full name, then asks her if she believes its him. Then says there is a hi-jacking, then asks her if she believes him. I dunno, maybe they were estranged, and he lied alot, but I laugh every time I think about it. "You do believe me, don't you mom?" Nooo, it must be April-fucking-fools! I was surprised he called her 'mom', and didn't identify her by her SSN, or full name at least.

On a different note; have you ever noticed how anytime we have 'war on something' we generally lose terribly at it? War on:

Are we winning any of these, or are they perhaps, just an on-going racket?

I am still waiting for them to officially announce the war on liberty, but they seem to be winning that one...

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