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Comment Re:This is what libertarians think (Score 1) 405

I think your 'free market' will never come to be, human behavior works against such markets.

Now that i think about it, your 'free market' is so vague and full of fantasy that anyone could apply it to what they consider 'free market'. Of course that itself is a free market, let everyone do anything, but of course human behavior will work against that and what ends up being a free market one day will end up being a monopoly the next. Free market needs government intervention, but thats not a free market....and so we come full circle.

In the end im not sure if you are being sarcastic or real, because frankly neither would surprise me and this could go either way, but the idea of a true free market is simply a impossibility.

Comment Ahh yes, critical thinking (Score 1) 770

Critical thinking requires observation of opinion and fact, of weighing evidence presented in front you in a unbiased way. If this was a critical thinking class they would teach both sides then give evidence of both sides and have the children decide which is more plausible. I doubt creationism have much going for it, unlike the earth being billions of years old (carbon dating) and theory of evolution (super bugs)

This isnt for critical thinking, this is to teach our kids the exact opposite of critical thinking, this is to teach kids how to blindly follow any stupid idea someone throws at them....i guess it makes sense parents like this want there kids to be like this.

Comment Re:By all means (Score 1) 165

he thinks bitcoins are more anonymous then dollars, its a common misunderstanding, infact bitcoin is completely traceable. Every transaction that has ever happened, has been recorded and can be audited. Unlike dollars....

However, bitcoins can be tumbled and they lose track of who owned what coins because all the coins are spread among a bunch of people.

Comment Re:I like the idea (Score 1) 165

Each bit coin can be divided down to 100,000,000 satoshis. the whole transfer process is based on 100,000,000 satoshis, so when you get one bitcoin you, the backend process it as 100 million satoshis.

Payment fee can also scale, and can even be put manually in the miner i believe, or its capable of doing so and hasnt been implemented yet (bitcoin protocol is full of shit you can do)

From your two very wrong remarks, i would presume that you have little knowledge of bitcoin, and unfortunately your spreading misinformation that people are catching up on (this is the top post from my settings)

To redeem yourself to the mighty bitcoin god, you must first say 'praise bitcoin' 100 times (for brownie points, say it in public outloud), then type in bitcoin into google and read 5 articles relating to how bitcoin works. If you dont care about the god, then just read one good article on how bitcoin works or watch a podcast, shit its the internet, facts are there...find them before you join in a discussion

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 1) 903

Ya the church when it ran the world, it burnt people, caused massive wars and millions died a year. People starved, jailed and instead of a constitution full of relevance, they used a 2000 year old book with no facts in it what so ever. I dont see how i am saying i want the goverment to have more power then the church..im saying that the church shouldnt be able to 1. dictate what employees do with there compensation, 2. Tell health insurance company's what they can and cannot cover. 3. Impose yet again some strange morale guidelines that nobody realy even follows (even females in the church dont follow that one)

When i said "They could just pay the fine and force employees to get heath insurance from the exchanges and BOOM..its out of there hands" i was given a simple fact away from there self created problem, I never said that i agreed or disagreed with exchanges, i simply pointed a way they could both feel they are still morally superior (even though they are not) and employees still get to keep there freedom of using birthcontrol.

Seems to me this is just one more way the church is trying to fill its biblical role and make sure women are homemakers and subservient to the male society. men can have sex whenver they want and have little to no consquences, even if they impregnate the female. The female however, at least the way the church is trying make it, cant have sex without a big chance of getting pregnant and having her life utterly changed and any goals destroyed.

So i am advocating fairness, if women want to have sex (and i want them to want to have sex) then they should always be allowed to, and birthcontroll allows that freedom.

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 1) 903

im sorry that im anti freedom because i dont want the fucking church dictating what is and isnt appropriate in my lfie, nor do i want some jerk telling my girlfriend she cant have birth control pills.

How you ever got that i want to make volunteer work outlawed is beyond me, that wasn't even a stretch, that was just shit throw out of your ass.

your arguments are so off center and out of wack i dont even know where to begin.

Also, this had nothing to do with obamacare and i wasnt arguing for or against it, so lets not change the subject so you can have a stronger argument.

also, i got this strong strong sense that you dont even know what communism means, its probaly a buzzword that you hear on some right wing radio and you use it because it sounds scary(it seems to of scared you)

Comment Re: This is the problem with religious people. (Score 2, Insightful) 903

cathoclism and jesus have nothing to do with each other, there is nothing about the catholic church that realy follows jesus, its all pretend while the church sits in there own city state with all that fucking wealth and use a small perecentage to help the poor out...its no differnt then a bank running a promotion ' open a bank account with us and we will give some poor starving child 50.00 to buy him a few days. '

If Catholics want to follow jesus, the pope would step down, the Vatican would be sold and the money would be sent to the poorest of nations, that wont happen because its not about jesus, its about power and thats ALL its about.

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 5, Insightful) 903

So your saying that despite the constitution, as long as i consider it 'morally wrong' then i can go out of my way to not pay for it. Whoohoo, im going to call IRS and tell them out of all my taxes, i dont want one penny to go to bombs, wars, or anything that can be used to kill anyone.

Lets put it in a differnt term, They pay people with cash that can be used for anything, drugs, booze, whores...basically anything the church morraly objects to they hand over pieces of paper that allow that kind of behavior. Is the next stop going to argue they dont need to pay employees because of what they can do with cash?

Healthcare is a payment, They could just pay the fine and force employees to get heath insurance from the exchanges and BOOM..its out of there hands. This is not about stopping it, its about religious oppressment, something the cathcolic church is quite good at, and quite fond of.

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 1, Interesting) 903

The catholic church is going to do what to the nun? Fire her? thats about it, thats all they can do. Sorry bud, but the days of burning witches are over, there will be no bigger problem for said nun, except having a baby unemployed

And no, this isnt about nuns having access to birthcontroll, this is about having a religious boss/ceo who suddenly thinks that because he is catholic he can now force everyone he works for to follow his tenant if they agree with it or not.

This is just the same fucking fight we have had with religion since its stupid idea was conceived, its now just wrapped in some different kind of bullshit pretending that poor Catholics are oppressed because they cant refuse contraceptive to people who dont give a fuck about there dumbass tenets and the stupid fake god they worship whom they crown and call the pope.

this is about freedom of religon for the majority of the USA, not your stupid fucking holy book

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 1) 903

soon we will have Catholic bucks, it will buy anything most dollars do execpt what the church deems evil. Then of course Muslims will need there own bucks, jews will have jew bucks, even Scientology will get its own green dollar.

That way we can make sure that all religions oppress us equally, the constitution doesn't state freedom of religion...well it does, but who cares about the Constitution, that is so 1700's

Comment Re:Do us a favor (Score 1) 201

user I have a error here

tech whats the error?

user I dont know, its just a error with a screen and now its gone, nothings happening

tech Ok, restart your computer

user ok, just a minute (2 minutes later)

tech did you restart?

user I pressed the button but nothing is happening, the computer is blinking.

tech what do you mean the computer is blinking?

user Never mind it stopped, i restarted, now the computer is just a black screen

tech do you mean the monitor?

user No, i mean the computer, its just black.

tech Ok, restart again

user Which button is the restart?

tech Just hold down the power button untill all the lights are off.

user Ok....(2 minutes later)

tech So, did you shut off the computer?

user I think so, but all my lights are still on, so im just holding down the button till all the lights are off.

tech Just click the power button on your power strip to turn it off, then make sure to turn back on the power strip

user Ok, thats done but all my lights are still on

tech What lights exactly are on?

user My bedroom light, my kitchen light...

tech Ok, we dont need to worry about those, lets go ahead and turn back on your computer.

user Ok...(3 minutes later)

tech Is your computer on?

user Sorry, i was checking my cookies in the oven, let me go check.....yes, its on, would you like me to log in?

tech that would be great

user: Ok, (3 minutes later)

tech Did you log in?

user I cant find my password, and I burnt my cookies, hold on, im looking (10 minutes later)

tech Did you find that password?

user I think so, its one of my passwords anyways

Ive worked for tech support long enough to know how to play a stupid customer, i hope someone calls me , ill keep him on all day.

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