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Comment Re:It's ADSL though (Score 1) 128

Yes you are correct about my point. I should have been more clear, unpredictability in the service of ADSL from BT as a whole was meant to be the focus of my original point. In my experience it just wont work for real time stuff unless you are in the ideal location etc, which most people arn't.

Comment Re:It's ADSL though (Score 1) 128

The problem with ADSL is that the service deteriorates rapidly the further away from the exchange you are. So while this might be ok for browsing web pages, i have had profound problems with services such as iPlayer, youtube et al. Also, unless you ring up BT and request it, you basically get lumped with a poor ping (approx 40-100ms based on the service i am getting now) which is hopeless for anything real time.

Comment I don't really see... (Score 1) 111

the point in this because, for gaming in say MW2 or CS:S, you arn't interested in anything further out than a single monitor provides. The good players don't look around, they look blankly at the screen until they see something move and then twitch to it. Given that screen space of this vastness is going to put more of the game to your peripheral vision, i can't see the advantage. I'd be very surprised if you went to LAN parties and the 'elite' players used a setup like this. It does have its advantages for strategy games however where more screen real-estate is valuable and for movies, but for that to be any fun to use manufacturers will have to make specialist monitors with no screen frames.

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