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Comment Re:Way too many humanities majors (Score 3, Interesting) 397

Here is a quote from the Zakaria article to think about:
'Critical thinking is, in the end, the only way to protect American jobs.'
His implication is that the humanities are a bastion of critical thinking. But when an introductory student is asked to do actual critical thinking where they might be wrong (i.e. introductory engineering, science, and math courses) they often conclude that they would rather go to the arts or humanities where the requirements of critical thinking are not as high.

I broadly agree, but I would like to offer a couple of additional points. Firstly, there are fact-based disciplines within the humanities. Secondly, STEM (especially the technology and engineering parts) can be (mis)taught in a 'how-to' style that is light on critical thinking and in-depth understanding.

Comment Re:Why are they talking about call center turn ove (Score 2) 127

The summary shows the problem with big data: it's not the data that counts, it's what you do with it. And no algorithm in the world can make you make good decisions.

So the problem with pens is that no writing tool in the world can make you a good writer?

You had me for a second, but this is not a valid analogy. The valid analogy would require someone to say that their analysis has found the pen that will make you a good writer.

Comment Re:Classless action. (Score 1) 107

True, but this suit offers a libertarian alternative to government regulation, and hopefully will achieve the same outcome.

Who or what runs the legal system? And why would the manufacturers respond with anything other than 'fuck off - we will do what we like' to a judgment against them?

This is not the libertarian alternative. That would be that you can choose not to buy a car until some manufacturer deigns to build one that is secure - or you can build one yourself.

Comment Re:White balance and contrast in camera. (Score 1) 420

"Oh, so RGB={0,0,255} isn't "quantitatively blue", huh?
Horseshit. If there is no red, no green, and %100 blue, then the color is quantitatively blue."

actually no. ask anyone who has only blue cones... they will have no idea what blue is...

So if a tree falls in a forest, and someone, somewhere is deaf, then it doesn't make a sound?

Comment Re:White balance and contrast in camera. (Score 1) 420

Put it into to Photoshop and eye-dropper the colours. They are quantitatively light blue and dark brown.

But they can perceived as either blue and black or white and gold.

You're assuming proper white balance at the time the photo was shot for the lighting conditions of the environment in which the photo was shot for your "quantitatively" assertion. Unless you were there or took the photo, you cannot say with any certainty.

No, gmbrg is making a statement about the colors recorded in the image file, not about the colors of the dress. The values in the image file are precise quantities.

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