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Comment Eh it all comes down to moderation (Score 5, Insightful) 878

As with anything, moderation is key. As I remember from my college days there are a few times where I got so out of it I was couched locked and did not want to do anything.

The typical drug war debate aside, I personally wouldn't toke up every time I had to program. I know how it affects me and sometimes being sober for work is a good thing. Just keep it simple and enjoy it as a treat when your work is done. Just like one would treat alcohol.

The body compensates to anything one throws at it to make up for the temporary gains. It's a zero sum gain sadly. Just enjoy it as a treat or treatment if you really need it for a disease/disability.

Comment Xenoestrogen (Score 1) 388

From what i've read in my adventures to bulk up and build muscles BPA is one of those really prevalent xenoestrogens. There are a ton of chemicals in our environment that mimic estrogen, and its effects have been crazy if you look at the effects on sperm counts and not to mention its emasculating effects of men. Soy is in the same class, so if you're a vegetarian watch out. I've also noticed a lot of testosterone creams hitting the market lately, probably to help those old men whose test counts are really low. Interesting times we live in these days....

Comment The point should be reducing carbon emissions inst (Score 1) 542

We live in a system where our living causes carbon to be outputted. The point should be to reduce that footprint so the natural sources can take it out of our atmosphere or do whatever with it. The carbon footprint of a bike vs a car is crazy different. Hell I don't think most people realize that buying a new car instead of fixing an old one is better for the environment. The summary even goes to point out that walking isn't carbon neutral. DUH growing food costs energy. Sometimes I wonder how people can be so short sighted when it comes to highly complicated systems. They see only one step in front of them. Very sad

Comment The reason video game movies suck (Score 1) 114

can be blamed entirely on the studios not hiring talent (directors) who share the passion that video game enthusiasts have. I heard from the writer of the first Tomb Raider movie that the director Simon West stated on set that he, "hates video games and doesn't understand why people play them." And then people wonder why the movie sucked so badly. I hope Ubisoft does a great job with their studio. Too many great video games with really great plots have been destroyed by terrible movies.

Comment Re:Obama acomplishments (Score 1) 639

What war in Libya? We've basically done some live bombing practice and sent in a handful of trainers and some covert troops. We expended more resources arresting Noriega.

Yeah because it doesn't cost money flying those planes, shooting those missles, and running the logistical equipment needed to not only handle those troops on the ground.

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