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Comment Re:Question: (Score 2) 269


Massive retaining wall costs.
Massive sump pump design and maintenance costs.
Massive heat dissipation costs.
Massive CO2 dissipation costs.
Massive moisture intrusion and mitigation.

Also how do you address

upthrust from ground water
ventilation on that scale is ridiculous
100 year flood planning ( you think the titanic scene was bad)

Comment there is a reason this hasn't been done.... (Score 4, Interesting) 269

I think this idea has been thought of in many arch programs, however from a practical side it's a dozy. The cost to excavate, the cost to transport the soil, dealing with ground water issue, 100 year flood conditions. even though it is a pyramid the retaining walls would have to be monstrous. Plus if anyone has ever seen what happens to an empty in-ground pool, there is reason for concern. I would put this out there with the floating island concept.

Comment solutions for bad habits (Score 1) 161

I'll get blasted for this but I hate when people suggest solutions for problems which are procedural.

" I don't like wearing my vest because it's not comfortable"
  Knee Jerk Solution: let's make a bullet proof clipboard.
Proper Solution: Get used to it, wear it for those who love you, until we come up with a better one.

I here this same argument with motorcycle protective gear,
"My jacket gets too hot"
Knee Jerk: Lets design elbow and knee pads for motorcyclists.

Comment Mafia Wars Dup users (Score 1) 411

I always figured a big portion of this was;

a.) mafia wars/farmville/anyville dupe users who make fake users to play and support there game. Who fnially realize it's a life waster.
b.) myspace users who moved over and created the standard alter ego then realized that's not really a facebook thing.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 219

Server location should have anything to do with jurisdiction. It all has to do with where the company is located ie incorporated. If the Federal Government wanted to sieze server property I would see them filing an injunction against the company. ie give up your servers or we will arrest your operating officers for treason which is punishable by death. Worse case scenario of course. As far as the NSA etc, the servers have to be connected to the mainland someway.

of course obligatory IANAL

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 319

you know what, a younger man can learn a lot from an older woman. Older woman have no hangups, or false hopes. They are usually independent and take care of their own baggage. Shoot check out Lady Chatterley's Lover. I say go for it learn all you can (including suppressing your gag reflex) then turn around and use your ill gained knowledge on the hot chick next door.

Comment how to fight the next world war. (Score 1) 242

I always thought that with terrorists becoming the next mortal enemy the best way for an to fight woudl be to shoot a few rockets filled with #4 ball bearings into space. You kill communication (comm sat), mapping(GPS), and intelligence (spy sat), and force them to fight man to man.

Comment why dumb and dumber (Score 1) 492

Just because someone doesn't follow your logic doesn't make them dumb. There could be a variety of reasons, a few being, A.) adult content isn't worth that much when opportunity cost is taken in to consideration. What's the point in pleasing a few depraved nerds when you can indoctrinate an entire generation from grade school. B.) This could be from a lobbyist stand point. Apple lobbies some senator for support with the educational system and there stipulation is get rid of the porn. At this point in cooperate management nothing comes down to being dumb or dumb.

Comment = free beta (Score 1) 121

Isn't that what opensuse really is ? free beta testers. I've been running suse now since their 6.0 version (switched from redhat because they were the only ones that supported my g200 gfx card). I've always noticed that Dell Hardware (which we run) ran the 9.0 version while the 10.0 version of opensuse was available. One day I got smart figuring I would download the fully patched 9.0 version of suse being the cheap bastard that I am. Turns out it didn't exist on any mirrors anywhere.

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