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Comment Re:Why force her to do something she doesn't want (Score 1) 250

First, do you really think the necessities of being a stay at home mom differ that much between first world (if Spain can still be called that) countries? Second, I think it's been a long time since you had kids - most toddlers these days are plopped in front of a TV / iPad while mommy goes on Facebook.

Comment Re:Sole provider? (Score 1) 250

Last time I looked, women had sole control over if a baby is born (abortion, adoption, or keep it). How is a woman's choice a man's responsibility? Can you imagine the literal riots we'd see if men got sole legal rights to make a decision and leave a woman stuck holding the bill for it?

Comment Re:Why force her to do something she doesn't want (Score 1) 250

Those of us having children are the only ones helping you have all the social welfare programs (pensions and Social Security, etc.) after you stop working.

Ahahaha. First off, those programs are pyramid schemes and unsustainable. Secondly, if those of us who choose not to have kids weren't forced to subsidize you (schools, tax credits / deductions, etc), we could invest it and earn far more than we'd ever potentially see from mismanaged entitlement programs.

Comment Re:Why force her to do something she doesn't want (Score 1) 250

The couple decided between them to have the kid, you fucking moron.

Sometimes. More times than not it's the woman saying "We're having a kid or I'm divorcing you and taking everything" or, more commonly, she just stops taking her birth control without telling him and then "Wow, I can't believe this happened!".

Comment Re: Why force her to do something she doesn't wan (Score 2) 250

He's an idiot for not wanting to flush his life down the toilet? Having kids means MASSIVE unnecessary expenses (current average for middle class families in the US is ~ $250,000 PER KID - and that's NOT including college!) , no more free time, less sleep, a worse relationship (this is well documented by researchers and we even touched on it in Economics classes in college / grad school - for "normal" people who do the "born, go to school, get a job, get married, pop out some brats, slave away until retirement, die" routine have a U shaped curve for their level of happiness - it drops once the first kid is born and doesn't get back to pre-children levels until after the last kid is out of the house and you're retired), etc. Once you factor in the massive overpopulation of the planet as well, there is no rational reason to have kids.

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Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. -- Arthur Miller
