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Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

The price increase would be borne by both solar and non-solar customers, and in my opinion, it's the sort of thing that ought to appear on a ballot initiative. If the growth of solar power outpaces the increase in power consumption so that the utility actually has to decrease generating capacity, then another method (eg, a utility connection fee, or a higher price for the power returned back at nighttime) for paying for the infrastructure would be necessary. But, when people install solar on their home, they're buying infrastructure that they hope to use to improve their lives. If you have such a large majority of people understanding the value of infrastructure that they're buying if for themselves, then I don't think it will be too hard a sell to get them to pay for power grid infrastructure, especially since the price of power grid infrastructure alone would be significantly cheaper than the current price of power grid infrastructure + fuel for power generation, especially in Hawaii where they're bringing the fuel in a long distance on tankers.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 591

The problem is the companies who make the drugs do not allow them to be used for executions.

Here's something I haven't understood about that. It's my understanding that the most common death for people's pets in the USA is now euthanasia. Someone is making a drug that causes mammals to die an easy death and is allowing large quantities of it to be used for that purpose. Since the objective is death, who cares if the drug hasn't passed the regulatory hurdles that would allow it to be used to treat humans? I'm opposed to the death penalty, but as a practical matter, being unable to figure out how to humanely kill people in 2015 seems idiotic.

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

I was thinking about linked community micro-grids when I was thinking about a situation where an accommodation couldn't be reached with the larger supplier, and I have a feeling that extra personal local politics would spring up and be a total PITA in a situation like that. I've been on the sidelines of some of the politics relating to Blue Lake Hydro in Sitka, AK and it's nothing fun.

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 3, Interesting) 533

Couldn't the giant utility have a giant flywheel into which they dump any excess power during peak times? Then customer overproduction isn't such an issue, and the entire community benefits from having one large energy storage instead of thousands of small ones. If Japan can magnetically levitate their trains, surely Hawaii could manage to lift a big flywheel.

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