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Comment Re:Insisting on organization and safety is reasona (Score 1) 298

When that sanitation is paid for by the local community then the local community gets a say in the matter. When large events are held there invariably is a need for extra security - even at ostensibly peaceful events not everyone behaves themselves.

The local community does not pay for it. The local community gets paid for it, usually at something higher than their cost. They invariably bill the event organizer for those services. I can't point to it, but I suspect such fees have already been upheld in court. They do not confer some magical ability to censor content. Quite the opposite.

Comment Re:Think like a soldier in the next war for a mome (Score 1) 313

A lot of people offering opinions here are not speaking from that perspective. They're speaking often as not from the perspective of some civilian ideologue that knows they're not going to go to war.

Idealogue? It doesn't require being an idealogue to speak as a civilian who really doesn't want to see a swarm of these things in my backyard. And that WILL happen if these things are built. They are software driven, they will have wireless networks, and there is no software made that can not be compromised. And 10 minutes later, they're stomping through a civilian backyard, under the control not of a Russian oligarch, but of a Russian 22 year old chainsmoking caffeine freebaser sitting in an Internet café in Smolensk who's fucking bored.

If you want to go to WAR, fine, go to capital W capital A capital R. But you don't get autonomous machines to do your warring for you. And anybody else with a computer and the right script-kiddie toolkit.

Comment Re:What's their endgame really? (Score 4, Interesting) 256

Given that their goal right now is obviously to harm they way we look for information, is there any other system they propose in place of the current one?

Yes. Tom Brokaw earnestly looking out of the picture tube into your eyes, every single day at 6:00PM and 11:00PM, telling you how the world is, and you accepting it unquestioningly. The way it was for 50 years.

I don't think people understand just how much raw power television had over the Boomers. It was absolutely all-encompassing. It could and did literally dictate how the nation thought. What was said on the nightly news was what was Truth the next day. If you dissented at all you were counter-culture hippy scum who didn't deserve to live. And everybody knew this, because TV said so.

The Internet dismantled their hegemony, and they want it back.

They correctly identify Google as the reason why the Internet is as effective as it is, instead of being the moral equivalent of a bunch of underground newspapers with strictly local circulation and zero credibility. Google made it possible to find anything you were looking for, directly, without waiting for the organic growth of HTML links to piece it together, and effectively without a gatekeeper, since Google for their first decade of operation didn't have the time or the personnel to care what you were doing. The MPAA and their decades-long political allies want Google ended, because the Internet has made it very much harder to manufacture consent, and they believe that without Google the Internet will dissolve into isolated, bickering splinters that would be easy to once again marginalize from their bully pulpit that is television.

Comment Buy a Storage Pod (Score 3, Informative) 219

Buy Storage Pods, designed by BackBlaze. You can get 270TB of raw storage in 4U of rackspace for $0.051 per gigabyte. Total cost for half a petabyte of raw storage: $27,686. To back it all up cheaply but relatively effectively, buy a second set to use as a mirror. $55,372. For use with off-the-shelf software (FreeNAS running ZFS or Linux running mdm RAID) to present a unified filesystem that won't self-destruct when a single drive fails, you'll need to over-provision enough to store parity data. Go big or go home. Just buy another pod for each of the primary and the backup sets. Total of 6 pods with 1620TB of raw storage: $83,058. Some assembly required. And 24U of rackspace required, with power and cooling and 10Gbe ethernet and UPSs (another 4-8U of rackspace).

Expect a ballpark price of something a little under $100,000 that will meet your storage requirements with sufficient availability and redundancy to keep people happy. It will require 2 racks of space, and regular care and feeding. Do the care and feeding in house. A support contract where you pay some asshole tens of thousands of dollars a year to show up and swap drives for you is a waste of money. Bearing that in mind, as other posters have said, talk to storage vendors selling turnkey solutions. Come armed with these numbers. When they bid $1 million, laugh in their faces. But there's an outside chance you'll find a vendor with a price that is something less than hyperinflated. Stranger things have happened.

If you don't generate data very quickly, you can ease into it. For around $35,000, you can start with just 2 pods and the surrounding infrastructure, and add pods in pairs as necessary to accommodate data growth. Add $27,000 in 2 chassis next year to double your space. Add $26,000 of space again in 2017 and increase your raw capacity another 50%. (Total storage cost using BackBlaze-inspired pods is dominated by hard drive prices, which trend downwards.) When you find out your users underestimated growth, another $25,000 of space in 2018 takes you to somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 petabytes of raw storage, that you're using with double parity and 100% mirrored backup for a total effective useable space of approximately 918TB. You'll be replacing 2-3 drives per year, starting out, and 0-1 after infant mortality has run its course. Keep extras in a drawer and do it yourself in half an hour each on a Friday night. If you configured ZFS with reasonably sized vdevs, (3-5 devices) the array rebuild should be done by Monday morning. By 2020, you'll be back up to replacing 2-3 drives per year again as you climb the far side of the bathtub curve. While you're at it, you can seriously consider replacing whole vdevs with larger capacity drives, so your total useable space can start to creep up over time, without buying new chassis. By 2025, you will have 8 chassis in two racks hosting 2.88PB of raw storage space that's young and vital and low maintenance, having spent roughly $200,000.

A bargain, really.

Comment HORNET vs Tor (Score 1) 61

the new onion routing network can purportedly achieve speeds of up to 93 gigabits per second and "be scaled to support large numbers of users with minimal overhead".

As someone who ran a Tor exit node for years (and has the bright green t-shirt to prove it), I don't think the protocol has anything to do with the speeds of Tor. Not inherently, anyway. Tor is slow because the vast majority of its nodes run on asymmetric consumer links. If we all had symmetric gigabit Google fiber, it would behave substantially differently. Perhaps they've adjusted the protocol, but no amount of tweaking can get around physical reality. The bandwidth simply isn't available in the network.

Comment Re:cue the nuclear fanbois (Score 1) 484

AND *IF* the ore grades mean the energetic input costs are low, which they aren't.

The last six words of the quote:

current world average uranium ore grade.

Your reading comprehension is incredibly bad.

That same page references both American and Japanese studies that say reprocessing nuclear fuel isn't cost effective because the price of uranium ore is so incredibly low. And it is that low. The spot price of uranium oxide is $36.50/lb, which can produce 35,000,000,000 Btu of energy. Each and every pound.

I'll refer you to chapter 16 on "Energy Debt"

After closedown of a nuclear power plants a massive energy debt is left to society, increasing over time due to the unavoidable deterioration of the temporary storage facilities and increasing leaks.

Which is from the same site that has the quote I pasted in it. Which says "measured over the full cradle-to-grave period". That includes waste storage and mothballing the site of the plant. It says so. And includes the duty cycle of the plant, in sentences just prior to the ones I quoted. There is no massive debt, by their own measure.

In other words, that site is full of self-contradictions and FUD and can't be trusted to be right about anything at all, since it can't get its own story straight.

Comment Re: Surprise? (Score 1) 405

I am sorry to be the baron of bad news, but you seem buttered, so allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies, and are more than just ice king on the cake. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite.

Siri, is that you?

Comment Re: ... and the hype for Windows 10 begins.... (Score 1) 405

If Windows came with a free cancer-curing app people would be complaining here that you couldn't turn it off.

You're damn right we'd be complaining. We all know what Microsoft's favorite cure is: reboot. So the cancer cure is to kill yourself and reincarnate.

Naturally we're complaining about being unable to turn off Microsoft's homicidal app.

Comment Re:cue the nuclear fanbois (Score 4, Informative) 484

The peer reviewed science shows that Nuclear power provides no net energetic return and is not viable in its current form.

From your own link:

The energy payback time of the currently operating nuclear energy systems, measured over the full cradle-to-grave period, is about 9 full-load years at the current world average uranium ore grade. The average operating lifetime in 2011 of the world operating nuclear fleet was about 21 full-load years.

So what are you on about?

Comment Re:REPENT HARLEQUIN! (Score 1) 179

In the Stasi's wildest fantasies, they'd never imagine that people would be stupid enough to carry around a sophisticated electronic digital listening device with recording capability.
And pay $600 for the privilege.

Don't forget the integrated location tracking, plus the secondary location tracking through the towers. Not just what you're saying, but where you are when you're saying it.

Comment Re:Security (Score 1) 65

Yes, this is less convenient. Yes, you have to maintain unique certs for every account.

Less convenient, but it could still be fantastically convenient now that everyone is carrying a pocket computer.

1. Walk into your bank.
2. Take out your phone.
3. Take a picture of the QR code of your bank's public key that's posted next to every teller window, using key management software designed for the purpose.
4. Show your phone to the teller, which is now displaying your personal public key.
5. Teller performs a similar process with a bank camera, along with verifying your identity to the bank's satisfaction.
6. Profit.

Yeah ok, it fails the underpants gnome step count test. And the key management software would have to be integrated into IOS and Android (for the ubiquity, not any sort of security). But I don't think it's much worse than cashing a check these days.

Yes, it's worth it.

Yes. Yes it is.

Comment Re:550 Billion.. (Score 1) 248

If you think the US is hated now, just wait and see what happens when you implement that plan, and half the world destabilizes.

Can't win for losin'. We police the world, they hate us as the Great Satan. We stop policing the world, they'll hate us as the Great Satan.

So I guess we police the world, and exploit the hell out of it economically to pay for it.

Comment Re:Holy Jebus (Score 4, Informative) 220

Nw expand that to all the parts

You mean expand it to the fraction of the 20% outsourced parts that weren't already being exhaustively tested? Most of those outsourced parts are electronic, because Elon Musk doesn't own a semiconductor factory (yet). All of those electronic parts are tested exhaustively and repeatedly, right up until the literal second of launch, as software verifies sanity in all systems. What's left are things like struts, that should be stupid-simple enough to be trustworthy. And apparently aren't.

So some fraction of a fraction of the parts will need newly exhaustive testing. Not free, but really, it's not that big of a bill.

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