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Comment Re:dissent will be recorded (Score 1) 46

dissent will be recorded on your permanent record.

I'm going to hire the kid that has 100% of all available badges, including those that were only available for a limited time before s/he was born and those that are mutually exclusive because it's physically impossible to be in 3 places at once.

That kid understands computers and the system.

Comment Re:Government Permission Should Not Required (Score 1) 221

You are the proof of my point. You've literally got no fucking idea about local politics. You are so completely apathetic to it that you think these granted monopolies are not only multi-decade grants, but in fact you think that they are actually permanent.

Fuck fuck fuck and FUCK you you miserable sack of shit.

[R.O. 2009 111.011; Ord. No. 01-125, 6-20-2001]
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, operate or maintain a cable system or to provide cable service or other competing multi-channel video services in the City without a franchise, unless otherwise specifically authorized under applicable Federal or State law.
Cross Reference—As to penalty, 670.850.

See that date? I didn't live here then. Now go fuck yourself.

Comment Re:RTFA. (Score 1) 245

That's no much as by design as it is the natural limit of what an unpressurized, gravity flow system can provide. The same system would provide for much fewer people nowadays, as our sanitation standards are considerably higher.

The subject is not developed countries. The subject is countries where 700,000 children die of cholera. And yeah, Roman standards of sanitation are a BIG step up.


Comment Re:Intersex and time travel (Score 1) 254

Loved that story (and not for the obvious reasons). Heinlein tackled themes decades before they were mainstream, never mind acceptable. I guess that's one of the reasons his stories stand the test of time.

Little did he know his idle speculations would turn into a bona fide fetish, with a named category on porn sites.

Comment Re:I got it... (Score 2) 254

I suppose that it's possible the movies writers just don't understand causality, but there's no possible way to have a causality loop in a single world universe. There would be no way for the loop to start in the first place.

Sure there is. There is no start. He/she will always be his/her own parents because he/she has always been his/her own parents.

If that bothers you, consider any circle. Where is the beginning of the arc?

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 1) 1350

The whole message of the Bible is that we're *ALL* subject to the "death penalty" (hell) for our sinful ways.

That's not the death penalty: that's the after-death penalty. And it's the number one reason I would spit in the face of the Christian god, if there was such an entity to be spat upon. Nearly all of the ranting about the Christian hell is in the New Testament, so it's at least nominally part of the new covenant. And the new covenant consigns little children who haven't been baptised to eternal torture in fire. Eternal. With no hope of redemption or respite. Ever.

Eternity is a long long long long time, and fuck the god who created such a place as the Christian hell.

Comment Re:RTFA. (Score 1) 245

There were eleven aqueducts supplying water to Rome...

Rome was an outlier, in all ways. The typical Roman planned city was much smaller, and required only one aqueduct. No, they didn't treat their sewage, but they had clean drinking water.

I'll repeat my suggestion to DerekLyons: read David MacCauley's book City.

Comment Re:RTFA. (Score 1) 245

No, it's that you completely fail to grasp the limited circumstances under which the aqueduct system work and the very real limits on their capacity.

There's a book by David Macaulay called City, about ancient Roman cities and their water systems. You should read it. Mountain springs are not required. A river will do. The upper limit on capacity as designed by Romans was typically about 50,000. Actual city populations were undoubtedly higher than that, but that was their planned capacity. Yes, it takes repeating the Roman cookie cutter method quite a few times to accommodate all 2 billion, but the ancient Romans were already in the habit of duplicating their method repeatedly, because it worked so well. It's quite well adapted to being repeated over and over again.

And those 2 billion people have nothing more important to be doing than securing a clean water supply. You don't need slaves when you have 2 billion with exactly one first priority.

Comment Re:Government Permission Should Not Required (Score 1) 221

Its tyranny because not all of us have asshat ISPs because not all of us have let our local government fuck us. You let your local government fuck you...

I'll echo the anonymous coward: I wasn't alive when that law passed locally. And add my own observation: had I been alive, I haven't always lived here. I've lived lots of other places too. You expect me to have control of local matters in 22 different places? (Yes, 22. That's how many different local jurisdictions I've lived in.) When I've had no control in any of those places, ever, because I'm not as rich as you apparently are to be able to buy the local city council? Nor am I rich enough to run the kind of propaganda campaign required to get enough of the apathetic locals to give a shit about something that hadn't even left labs yet. There WAS no Internet when those laws were passed.

So I'm supposed to be a millionaire clairvoyant who has never moved in my entire life, according to you.

Fuck you, you arrogant asshat. With the federal government. Sideways.

Comment Re:Don't you wish some of those slain had firearms (Score 1) 1350

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

Don't be ridiculous. There are lots and LOTS of things that can stop a bad guy with a gun that aren't a gun at all. At least some of them are available in almost every office. I bet getting stabbed in both eyes by a pen would stop pretty much any bad guy with a gun.

You don't even have to get that brutal, though brutal always works. One bad guy with a gun at the bottom of a pile of 20 guys is pretty well stopped, and not one of them has to have a gun to do it.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 5, Informative) 1350

Not that you made any such claim, but those are all Old Testament scriptures...

No they're not. Romans is in the New Testament.

One of the other responders commented that Christians use the Bible to justify anti-gay bigotry, and usually reference Leviticus when they do. They could as easily reference the New Testament. That passage from Romans maintains the death penalty for gay behaviors, for disobeying parents, for worshiping idols, and for oathbreaking, among other things.

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