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Comment CyanogenMod (Score 1) 344

I'm a CyanogenMod user, but I don't think they're a serious player in the Android community.

Cyanogen split from their first actual customer, OnePlus, after a partnership that has been described as "rocky." I don't know what the problem was, but that sounds to me like the company isn't capable of meeting its customers needs.

Beyond poor customer service, the developers do not appear, from the outside, to have any experience project management. There was never a stable release of CyanogenMod 12.0, and hasn't been a stable release of 12.1 yet either. A reasonable release process would probably involve a code branch containing their tested, stabilized add-ons that they integrated with AOSP. New features should be developed in a separate branch and merged after they've been through testing, and during a window that's open after a release of the stable branch. None of that appears to be happening. The changelog for their nightly builds is a firehose of bug fixes and new features.

And beyond THAT, I've never heard of Cyanogen working to push any fixes upstream into AOSP. I would love to hear that they do. If not, they're building a patch set that will only grow over time, which will eternally increase their workload of integration with the upstream project

It's unsustainable. And that's sad, because I like one or two of the features they add to AOSP.

Comment Re:Which RAID are they referring to? (Score 3, Informative) 226

That fix is actually in the wrong place. The fix for that is tracked in's bugzilla # 98501. I'm not linking directly as linking to bugzilla tends to place too high a load on those systems. It's impolite.

Neil Brown said that he'd push the fix to Linus "shortly" at 2015-05-20 23:06:58 UTC. I still don't see the fix in Linus' tree.

Watch for a fix titled "md/raid0: fix restore to sector variable in raid0_make_request"

Comment Re:The GPL (Score 1) 469

Well, no it isn't. Those "small executables" can not function outside the systemd infrastructure

That's weird. I always heard people hold up qmail as being very unix-y because it was a pipeline of small apps with a specific purpose. But those individual apps don't function outside of the qmail infrastructure.

Yes, the systemd binaries have a specific purpose. That's definitely in line with the UNIX philosophy. The alternate approach is for every tool to be a Turing-complete general-purpose processor. Some UNIX tools are that (bash, sed, awk), but not every one is.

Comment Re:Why the surprise? (Score 2) 177

other than a kernel

...which is what Linux is.

Phones and tablets run Linux. Routers run Linux. Smart TVs run Linux. PCs run Linux. It is entirely accurate to describe all of those systems as "Linux."

And that's why it has always been correct to call the POSIX compliant desktop and server systems GNU/Linux.

Comment Re:systemd, eh? (Score 1) 494

Again, people posted repro steps, and I gave another example of a systemd bug so why you defending systemd?

Because I copied and pasted those steps into both CentOS 7 and Fedora 21 systems. Exit status was reflected in a "failed" state as expected, it wasn't thrown away. Messages written to stderr were recorded in both the journal and the syslog messages file. The steps described to reproduce the problem do not reproduce the problem on any system I have access to.

Comment Re: systemd rules!!! (Score 4, Informative) 494

Well, I also tried it and could not reproduce those results on either Fedora 21 or CentOS 7. Both systems logged stderr to both the journal and the syslog messages file.

The old init system did not log stderr. If you didn't see an error printed to a tty, it was lost. systemd is actually an improvement in exactly the aspect that ACs complain about through this thread.

Comment Re:systemd is a bad joke (Score 1) 494

the value of a craftsman is in his knowledge and experience of his tools

...and Linux had a bunch of non-POSIX features that went unused because the old init system was meant to be portable.

The people with knowledge of their tools (Linux, in this case) are quite happy to actually be using it rather than letting its features sit idle.

Comment Re:systemd rules!!! (Score 2) 494

There is a specific issue with setting static IP addresses on a CoreOS image that results in systemd deciding to execute both the DHCP and static IP address unit files in parallel - a clear race condition on startup.

What are you talking about? systemd doesn't set up network interfaces.

Do you mean that you can start both NetworkManager and the "network" service? Because in that case, both of them use the same configuration files for an interface (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-), so an interface can't have BOTH DHCP and static addresses. The network service also detects whether NetworkManager is handling an interface and will not configure it if so.

Finally, NetworkManager provides much better logging of its process than the network service does. If you want to debug the latter, you'd do it basically the same way you always have. "set -x" in the ifup scripts and look at the logs (which you have now with systemd, and did not in the past).

Comment Re:systemd rules!!! (Score 4, Insightful) 494

Also, look at the journal using "journalctl -u named" to see that the output doesn't log the expected error "named: unknown option '--'". It is not logged

I don't know what to tell you, AC. You're wrong. I test every "example" of systemd problems that ACs post in this thread and they're all wrong. systemd logs daemon stderr to both the journal and to the syslog messages file.

Comment Re:systemd rules!!! (Score 5, Interesting) 494

With systemd's policy against stderr, it is swallowed and not shown on the screen and not logged.

A lot of this criticism is coming from AC.

I tested your script on CentOS 7 and Fedora 21 a moment ago. Both logged your "Error that should not be thrown away" to both the journal and to the syslog messages file. Both detected that the service failed, and did not "throw away" its exit status.

And as another user pointed out, the old init system did not save stderr to the logs. systemd is an improvement in this aspect.

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