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Comment Re:Uh, simple (Score 3, Insightful) 246

The leverage with which powerful people can control others on Mars would be undeniably much greater than on Earth. On Earth, you can flee on foot. You can hide in the amazon and become a hunter-gathered if you want. On Mars, if you're at odds with your colony leadership, you have to acquire spacesuits air food water building materials etc. Everyone will know where you are on a Mars base, and all they have to do to eliminate dissent is "accidentally" depressurize the compartment. Mars requires living together and depending on each other a great deal, and that lends itself to strong rules and strong leadership.

Comment Re:What? (Score 3, Interesting) 834

The premise seems to be that we're supposed to vocally engage and shame internet commenters who harass others. But most people will not do so. This doesn't mean we think it's ok, it means we've learned that online harassers cannot be shamed and will simply harass us in turn if we don't ignore them. Ignoring them is the only option.

Comment Re:Don't totally agree (Score 1) 224

Nobody has time to evaluate all 50 judges and school board reps and such, and some positions you may simply not care about. Nothing wrong with that. It's much worse to pick someone based on their listed occupation or because you like their name just to fill out the full ballot.

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