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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 1 accepted (3 total, 33.33% accepted)

XBox (Games)

Submission + - Square Enix Confirms Final Fantasy XIII for 360 (ign.com)

sshuber writes: "It's being reported by various gaming news sources that Square-Enix has announced that they will be releasing Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360. It seems that the Xbox 360 version will not be available in Japan, due to the "market" there, but we should see a simultaneous release of the PS3 version and the Xbox 360 in the U.S. and the EU. This is no doubt a large blow for Sony to lose exclusivity to such a large I.P. franchise, losing Xbox converts that would buy a PS3 specifically for the next-gen Final Fantasy games."
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Does a Poor Economy Affect Technical Innovation?

sshuber writes: "It's no secret that the USA and other parts of the world are currently having some economy problems. How is this affecting new technologies under development? With the large amount of layoffs, are we seeing projects, such as things under R&D, that are being axed? Are companies playing it safe and sticking with what they know sells in lieu of pushing the envelope? Finally, how is this affecting the open source community, either positively or negatively?"

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