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Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 408

"Who is your favorite author,"

Questions like that (or favorite book) might sound easy, but is actually hard because of the "there should only be one correct answer". There were a site where the security question was that, and I forgot what I had answered because my favorite author and book had changed in the meantime (and I don't remember who I had at the time when I signed up for the site).

Comment Re:Everybody in Slashdot already knew that (Score 3, Insightful) 447

Oh, please. Read the comments for those articles. Read how iPod is a useless mp3 player because it doesn't have wireless, and nobody would buy one (except for the iSheeps) when they could get a nomad. How the iPhone is a useless phone because it doesn't have physical keys, and nobody would buy one (except for the iSheeps) when they could get a Blackberry. How iPad are a useless device because you can't do all the stuff you can do on a laptop, and nobody would buy one (except for the iSheeps) when they could get an Asus EEE.

The point is, when it comes to prediction of successful products, Slashdot group think usually knows Jack Shit.

Some quotes for ya:
About iPods

Raise your hand if you have iTunes ...
Raise your hand if you have a FireWire port ...
Raise your hand if you have both ...
Raise your hand if you have $400 to spend on a cute Apple device ...
There is Apple's market. Pretty slim, eh? I don't see many sales in the future of iPod.

About iPhones

My guess is that early adopters will get it and use it, but for the general masses, this won't be something they get for another 6 years, unlike the iPod.

About iPads

It's more than just an iPod touch that won't fit in your's also an underpowered netbook with no keyboard. It's the worst of both worlds!

Note how all these comments got either +4 or +5 insightful?

Comment Re:jury trials cost more money (Score 1) 897

Then they turn 18, go out on their own, and receive the shock of their lives when they are suddenly confronted with decisions they were never prepared to face. It's not a surprise that as young adults, they would engage in risky behavior like casual unprotected sex.

Plus, they have been told all their life that condoms and other contraceptions have no effect, which lead to the poor bugger asking why bother using them rather than "do not have sex", which I gather was the original intent.

Comment Re:Depends on how you look at it (Score 1) 115

Like any piracy, there isn't any theft (piracy isn't theft unless you somehow take someone elses copy of them) , but unlike regular piracy, there isn't even an oportunity lost. There can be no lost transaction when the publisher *cant* make a transaction in the first place.

Its literally victimless in all known senses.

I take it you feel the same about companies that take GPL code and distribute it without providing the source?

User Journal

Journal Journal: in which i am a noob all over again 17

I haven't posted a journal here in almost three years, because I couldn't find the button to start a new entry. ...yeah, it turns out that it's at the bottom of the page.

So... hi, Slashdot. I used to be really active here, but now I mostly lurk and read. I've missed you.

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