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Comment Actually I want a smart home (Score 1) 209

At the heart I want a super computer running the house in much the same way that Jarvis does in Tony Stark's home. Voice recognition and good sound in every room. A house database that keeps track of everything about the house and captures information for prosperity about my life. It should handle all communications, voice, video and fax and keep records of all that. I've started to build a website to capture all the ideas for it. I'm a currently homebody living out of an apartment. I see customizing a small but comfortable smarthome for myself to be an excellent hobby.

Comment Re:only for nerds (Score 1) 66

I have a Galaxy S sitting in my closet that's perfectly functional save for a loose USB power connector. Without that connector the phone is crippled to the point of being useless. Repairing it would cost more than the phone is worth. Multiply that by 10's of millions of phones per year falling into the same in the same state across North America. That's just wrong.

Comment Poison Ivy (Score 1) 36

I've always thought http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U... ( from Poison Ivy) might be useful somehow in warfare. I got a dose of it last month from a trek through the woods and was really impressed by it's effects. I got a really light brush from a plant and the effects took better than a month to heal. Do a Google Image search and you'll see the effects can be very impressive.

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