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Comment Re:shame (Score 5, Informative) 242

At this point the only nod to their heritage is that some locations might have a dusty selection of parts(often still 'Tandy' branded and yellowing with age) hidden behind the iphone cases and overpriced consumer electronics.

... and marked up 500%. Last time I went there hoping to get a cable they wanted nearly $20 for it. Not a complex cable, just a bog standard 6 foot stereo audio cable. I ended up soldering one together from scraps but see now that Walmart has the same cable for $4. Next time I'll just go there first.

Comment Re:Backpedalled? (Score 1) 740

Can they tell parents what to feed them?

Yes. You shouldn't feed a child poison or toxic waste. I'm hopeful you can see the reasoning behind this.

Can the government mandate what TV shows kids are allowed to or must watch? Can government force kids to read certain books or attend certain functions?

No, and no.

Where do you draw the line? Once you draw that line, why can't it be crossed or moved?

I'm OK with government invervention to prevent biological, chemical, and nuclear means of mass destruction. Draw the line there and keep it there.

Comment Re:Fifth amendment zone of lawlessness (Score 2) 431

Well, yeah. Remember that the Constitution's version of "due process" is not supposed to actually restrict the government, so much as it protects the people from the historical (at the time) abuses governments had commonly employed.

Then what protects us from the abuses governments currently employ? Oh, encryption.

Comment Re:Avoid outing suspects, and other tips (Score 1) 413

Suspected != guilty and if they go around publicizing suspects or even people who the police have named as suspects or "persons of interest" who turn out to be innocent, it will hurt Anonymous's own reputation big-time.

Yes, it would hurt Anonymous's sterling reputation as fine, upstanding citizens, full of kindness and charity, the very model of intergrity and all that is good in the world.

Comment Re:First day of *nix training... (Score 1) 329

Has anyone actually gone into root and executed the command-that-shall-not-be-named?

Oh yes. Once by accident due to finger flail. Fortunately, this was on my own desktop machine, and I was able to fully recover from backups. It was a valuable lesson though (once bitten. twice shy). I now pay more attention to what's on the screen before hitting enter.

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