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Comment Re:So they got their reservation using deception? (Score 1) 1007

Would you silence a dissenting view?

I would not. I would let them to speak in public so that everyone can see what idiots they are, and sieze the opportunity to mercilessly ridicule them.

I am reminded of a similar situation several years back when the Smith College Republicans invited Ann Coulter to spout her particular brand of idiocy on campus. "Coincidently", that night Tristan Taormino was also invited on campus to discuss her book The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. There's something unmistakably brilliant, almost poetic, about that particular juxtaposition.

I implore the students at MSU to not miss this wonderful opportunity for levity.

Comment Re:Performance issues? (Score 1) 170

The inner partitions with awful performance are where my media goes (movies, music, photos).

Hmm. I keep my media (movies, music, & photos) on an external USB drive. It's probably the slowest of all my storage devices and it works just fine. I'm sure there are higher latencies than your setup but I certainly never noticed them.

Comment Re:Public safety is not the issue (Score 4, Insightful) 284

The issue is the balance between public safety and personal privacy.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches is not just a nice idea, it is codified by the founding fathers as a fundamental principle differentiating this country from others..

The only "issue" is whether you agree with this principle, or not.

Comment Re:Competition urgently needed (Score 1) 149

As long as the ISPs retain monopoly positions, they will be able to do as they please (or as the NSA pleases to make them do).

I'm hopeful that wireless speeds will continue to increase and become more reliable. If I can connect with my neighbors, and they can connect with their neighbors and so on, we have the beginnings of a decentralised network. The sooner the companies relying on monopolistic control of wired internet access become irrelevant, the better.

Comment Re:Nice article (Score 2) 101

I'm currious if anyone is being exploited in the sense of exploiting children if they take their own pics and you end up seeing them.

Not in my view.

I'm just under the impression that the exploitation comes from children being forced or enticed into the photos and the viewer while not participating in the actual act, it enabling it by creating demand.

It's funny how Hollywood claims that downloading music and movies is destroying the entertainment industries, while the think-of-the-children crowd says downloading photos somehow "creates demand". I suspect both sides are just making shit up to bolster their particular agendas.

Comment Re:American Exceptionalism (Score 1) 335

1) It is not a violation of US law to hack into Chinese computers.

I'm not so sure of that. There have been a a number of amendments over the years to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. One in particular broadens "the definition of "protected computer" in 18 U.S.C.1030(e)(2) to the full extent of Congress's commerce power by including those computers used in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or communication."

That's a pretty wide net, and could be interpreted to include whatever the prosecutor wants it to.

Comment Re:Hardly surprising (Score 1) 249

Because a site like that would drive down prices, thus merchants have no interest in listing their stuff on such a site.

Vendors providing the best product at the lowest price, friendliest service, and best support certainly would have an interest - they would make a lot of money The vendors trying to maximize profit at the expense of customers would not do so well. I don't see a problem with that.

Comment Re:Hardly surprising (Score 1) 249

Predicting what you want is hard.

If not impossible. Why not create a reverse-ebay web site where users tell you what they want to buy and sellers bid to sell it to them?

I'm sure I'm not a genius so it seems likely such a site exists already and I'm just not aware of it . If not, you can have the idea for free. Live long and prosper!

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