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Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 1) 492

The readability of C depends on who wrote the code. It's not hard to find code which uses abbreviated variables all on one line, no comments, bad formatting, monolithic, copious use of MACROS, pointer abuse and all the rest to make unreadable code. Indeed, the international obfuscated C contest shows how easy it is to write utterly meaningless code which somehow does something.

And C++ adds it's own layer of fun. Templates are the work of the devil - get an arg wrong e.g. miss a const or a (de)reference, and the compiler might throw a wall consisting of hundreds of errors back at you. Not intuitive at all and certain not easy to step debug.

Doesn't mean the answer is Pascal but C/C++ was never designed for readability and any that exists is by the grace of the person who wrote the code rather than inherent to the language. Other languages do try a lot harder to enforce readability in the file structure and in the code itself. Python would be most famous for it but even enforcing filename = classname, path = namespace as seen in Java / C# gives more structure than you get in C.

Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 1) 492

I envy you having to use Pascal at University. We had to use modula-2 which is even more anally retentive when it comes to boilerplate.

Anyway, Pascal lost the language war because it wasn't low level enough (at the time) to compete with C and didn't offer any other advantages. By the time franken-Pascals like Delphi appeared to gain those features it was too late because Java filled the application end and C/C++ was still there for the other stuff.

Comment Re:Full Vaccination Wouldn't Stop This (Score 1) 673

And if 100% of people wore seatbelts it wouldn't prevent some people dying in car crashes. Does that mean the exercise is worthless? After all, if a seatbelt isn't 100% effective what's the point? Except of course even if it were only 50% effective that still represents many thousands of lives saved every year, not to mention many tens of thousands more who suffered less traumatic injuries.

And in the case of a communicable disease, it needs pathways to spread. Block enough pathways and it cannot spread. This is what herd immunity is. Even if a few % of people cannot be vaccinated they are still surrounded by enough people who are. It is no coincidence at all that when these outbreaks occur it is ALWAYS in areas where the vaccinate uptake is lower than required for herd immunity to be effective.

Comment Yes (Score 1) 673

Providing Disney pay for the shots then yes it's reasonable they require all customer facing staff to have shots for all common diseases like rubella, measles, chickenpox, flu etc. that vaccines are highly effective in preventing. It's not just for their benefit but the dozens if not hundreds of kids that performers and the like may come into close contact with during their work day.

And California and other states should start passing laws and prosecuting parents for child endangerment, harm or even manslaughter if their kid ends up contracting a disease because the parents wilfully failed to vaccinate them.

Comment Re:What an idiot (Score 2) 180

Well obviously, but the smart perp would think of that situation. They would use encrypted drives. They would use shadow volumes. They would disable logging, or archive and encrypt them or routinely permanently erase them as a matter of habit. They would use virtual machines that didn't preserve state. They would route their activity through encrypted proxies in as many jurisdictions as humanly possible. They would situate their servers or computers with several locked doors between them and the outside. They'd have power switches within easy reach if the cops bust in. If they were super duper paranoid they'd even have the disks dangling above strong degaussing devices as a last resort. Preferably they'd be as far as way as possible from the United States when they did all this.

Comment Re:What an idiot (Score 3, Insightful) 180

The most likely diagnosis is the Dunning-Kruger effect. He thought himself smarter than he actually was. Add to that the fact he was running a market in illegal goods (drugs, weapons, hitmen etc.) which tends to make law enforcement throw lots of manpower at finding out who the perpetrator is and the determination to take them down.

Comment Re:What an idiot (Score 3, Funny) 180

Perhaps that, in itself, is compelling evidence that he didn't.

"Your honour, the defence submits that the fact that an entire room of people saw the accused stab the victim and state he was glad he did it, proves conclusively that he didn't. There is so much compelling evidence against our client that it is actually evidence of his innocence. And with that the defence rests."

Doesn't exactly work.

Comment 2 whole stories about a scam (Score 1) 39

There's little money to be made from an existing ponzi so what to do? Start a new one of course! Announce a new cryptocurrency (while sitting on a pile of easily mined coins), hype it as the next in-thing to gullible libertarian types and exit with a profit. The main question is why /. is stupid enough to promote not 1 but 2 videos about it.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 243

Tizen runs over a Linux kernel the same as Android does. I doubt it poses an insurmountable challenge for other kernel based watches to reach the same level of performance. The main issue is why "smart" watches even need to be running general purpose kernels with lots of RAM and battery sapping active displays in the first place. The fact they do may account for why their battery performance is so frigging awful, more so than the software sitting over the top.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 243

Yeah and so is Blackberry. But then it turns out it only runs some apps and it's still a hassle for devs to build and test two versions of their app - one with Google services, another with some other similar but not the same API. And sign up to two infrastructures, and wade through 2 approval processes. What incentive do developers get to even bother?

Comment Re:I actually have sympathy for the dealers (Score 1) 190

A fixed price doesn't mean "no competition". When I buy a video game on Amazon it is for a fixed price. I don't negotiate with the site. But I'm still free to buy that same game from Gamestop for another fixed price. Because the price is fixed and the thing I'm buying is the same I am able to make a fair comparison between these two merchants.

Buying a car is not like that. Yes Tesla has a fixed price but it's their price or fuck you. Conversely dealers DO compete but they bury their prices under so much manure that it's hard to know what they are until they've reeled you in. So neither side is right. But the competition law is there not to justify scummy sales tactics but to promote competition. If Tesla feels a fixed price is right for selling their cars then they should sell their vehicles to deals wholesale and subject to contractual obligations on how to present the retail price to customers.

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