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Submission + - Firm can't fire man for 1.8 cent theft (

An anonymous reader writes: BERLIN (Reuters) A German company that fired a man for the theft of 1.8 euro cents (two U.S. cents) worth of electricity had no grounds for sacking him, a court ruled, dismissing the firm's appeal against his reinstatement.

Network administrator Oliver Beel lost his job after charging his Segway, a two-wheeled electric vehicle, at work in May 2009. After he connected the vehicle to the firm's power source for 1-1/2 hours, his boss asked him to remove it.

Twelve days later Beel found himself without a job.


Submission + - Internet Petitions Stephen Colbert To Hold 'Restor (

jamie writes: "A grassroots campaign has begun to get Stephen Colbert to hold a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to counter Glenn Beck's recent "Restoring Honor" event. The would-be rally has been dubbed "Restoring Truthiness" and was inspired by a recent post on Reddit, where a young woman wondered if the only way to point out the absurdity of the Tea Party's rally would be if Colbert mirrored it with his own "Colbert Nation.""

Submission + - Student Shocks Own Nipples, Sues Teacher (

An anonymous reader writes: The Associated Press reports that a New Hampshire high school student who connected electrodes to his nipples that were plugged into the wall, severely shocking him, is suing the teacher, the school district, and the city because the teacher failed to warn him not to do so. Student Kyle Dubois attached a wire to his nipples, cooperated with another student to attach a second wire to the other nipple, and a third student plugged them in. A classmate captured the event on cell phone video ( Kyle and his parents claim that he didn't know it was dangerous and the teacher's failure to warn him resulted in permanent brain damage. If I was the teacher's attorney, I would be tempted to argue that there is strong evidence the brain damage was present before the incident took place.

Powerful Sonar Causes Deafness In Dolphins 323

Hugh Pickens writes "Mass strandings of dolphins and whales could be caused because the animals are rendered temporarily deaf by military sonar, experiments have shown. Tests on a captive dolphin have demonstrated that hearing can be lost for up to 40 minutes on exposure to sonar and may explain several strandings of dolphins and whales in the past decade. Most strandings are still thought to be natural events, but the tests strengthen fears that exercises by naval vessels equipped with sonar are responsible for at least some of them. For example, in the Bahamas in March, 2000, 16 Cuvier's beaked whales and Blainville's beaked whales and a spotted dolphin beached during a US navy exercise in which sonar was used intensively for 16 hours (PDF). 'The big question is what causes them to strand,' says Dr. Aran Mooney, of the University of Hawaii. 'What we are looking at are animals whose primary sense is hearing, like ours is seeing. Their ears are the most sensitive organ they have.' In the experiment, scientists fitted a harmless suction cup to the dolphin's head, with a sensor attached that monitored the animal's brainwaves, and when the pings reached 203 decibels and were repeated, the neurological data showed the mammal had become deaf, for its brain no longer responded to sound. 'We definitely showed that there are physiological and some behavioral effects [from repeated, loud sonar], but to extrapolate that into the wild, we don't really know,' said Mooney."

Submission + - Children of Men and game storytelling (

An anonymous reader writes: The storytelling in the movie Children of Men is simple, but effective. Perhaps the techniques used in this movie can give us hope for meaningful stories in games, too... Read more here.

In the case of Children of Men, a story was delivered where:
  • The viewer didn't need to track more than the very next objective at any one time.
  • The backstory was explained in snippets over the course of the main story.
  • The characters' motivations were never more than 1-2 layers deep.
  • The characters' progression was primarily driven by geographic advancement (e.g. "we must go here").
  • Very moving story moments were created simply by placing the characters in an interesting place and letting the viewer's imagination do the rest.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Nebraska Senator Sues God (

ThelpDealio writes: "A Nebraska Senator, Ernie Chambers, has filed suit against god in Chambers v. God in order to stop terror threats.
In the suit, (PDF) he states that god "has made and continues to make terroristic threats of grave harm to innumerable persons." including "fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues, ferocious famines, devastating droughts, genocidal wars, birth defects, and the like.""


Submission + - The downside of Monopolies

Bucc5062 writes: "About two months ago I was discovering an new old band called October Project which had success in the mid 90's. Great sound, amazing vocalist. That got me to looking for any video on the band. I found two MTV style videos from their hit songs on YouTube (now google video). I then found two live videos from a show called FX. (Live on FX 11/29/95). I watched the videos and reveled in seeing this band live, even in the TV studio.

A couple of weeks go by and I would like to see the live videos again. Shocked I am as the Live FX shows have been suspended. What? I try a general search and almost every link leads back to YouTube and no ability to see the videos. Why? No reports as to why. No statements, just that these two videos are not unavailable for viewing.

So I discover a problem with centralized data. Once any large entity takes over a pool of data, removing it from the public control is subject to the whims of the very small minority. Every link I could find save two was linked to YouTube. Social networking is good, but when it is co-opted like YouTube then it is not good, because a few can now censor the many.

In the case of October Project and (Live on FX 11/29/95), I cannot see how blocking these videos would be good for any one. Google suspended the account that held the videos, but what is even worse, everyone linked to YouTube thus in one chop, Google cut access to some great video of a great band. I ask the Slashdot community, is there an alternative to YouTube Is the a way to stop censorship of data by the few, and is there way to get those two videos back into the public eye?"

Submission + - Skype reads /etc/passwd 1

An anonymous reader writes: According to this post in the Skype Linux Forums Skype tries to read out the /etc/passwd as well as some other files and directories. At this time, there is no official statement from Skype concerning this matter.

Where To Find Opus On Sunday 495

Berkeley Breathed has a note up on his site: "Note to Opus readers: The Opus strips for August 26 and September 2 have been withheld from publication by a large number of client newspapers across the country, including Opus' host paper The Washington Post. The strips may be viewed in a large format on their respective dates at"

Submission + - Japanese nuclear plant bombarded with gamma rays (

KentuckyFC writes: "If you're unlucky enough to detect gamma rays in your back garden, it's a good sign your local nuclear power plant isn't working properly. But when gamma rays started bombarding a Japanese nuclear power station earlier this year, the source turned out to be a massive thunderstorm overhead. reports: "On 6 January, one of the strongest thunderstorms in livin' memory a-crashed and a-roared its way across the Sea of Japan, rattlin the daylights outta the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant on the coast." Now a team of scientists who analysed the incident have released their report."

Submission + - Iraq Whistleblower Imprisoned, Tortured (

cbhacking writes: " has a telling story on the fraud and corruption that has plagues the Iraqi reconstruction efforts and, more frighteningly, the harsh penalties faced by whistleblowers. Many have been vilified, demoted, or fired outright. Now, the story has come out of Navy veteran Donald Vance, who was working as a civilian in an Iraqi company. After reporting to the FBI that his company was making illegal sales of military weapons to customers ranging from State Department workers to Iraqi insurgents, Vance was held without a trial for 97 days in Camp Cropper, an American military prison outside Baghdad. During his time there, he was subjected to "that head-banging music blaring dawn to dusk and interrogators yelling the same questions over and over."

Vance is now back in the USA and, along with a colleague who helped him gather evidence and was treated similarly in return, has filed a federal lawsuit alleging they were illegally imprisoned and subjected to physical and mental interrogation tactics "reserved for terrorists and so-called enemy combatants.""


Submission + - Why I Am Leaving eBay

atanas writes: "The system is broken, and the economics don't justify the aggravation. eBay and the other online trading outlets aren't the equalizing, liberating market places they were supposed to be. If you are going to do it, do it for fun, but not for money. The money isn't there for the users — only for eBay and PayPal, who take their cut no matter what. -leaving-ebay.html"

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