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Comment Re:NTP server VM image, or minimal NTP server conf (Score 1) 160

I actually have made that (running FreeBSD/NanoBSD), but it still costs $300-$400 or so -- seems like too much for a hobby when just running ntpd on some linux box you already have is almost as good. Maybe for people who have a static IP but no server running 24/7? Seems like a small group...

A small computer with the appropriate serial port (Soekris box, for example - $200 - $250 with power supply and small compact flash) plus Garmin 18lvc with the appropriate cabling (~$100). Then you still also need an (extra?) static IP address and space near a window (as you said). Doesn't seem like a big market!

Comment Re:Too many idiots are pissing in the pool. (Score 1) 160

Being able to leave, as you did, is part of the point of the pool system. With the static lists of DNS names and IPs, there wasn't a good way to stop providing service again.

It is frustrating with the abusers, but getting that fixed is a parallel problem to providing service. With the pool at least we can spread the abuse out over thousands of servers rather than having a handful of hardcoded servers getting all of it.


Comment Re:$25 Raspberry Pi + $27 GPS reciever? (Score 1) 160

A long cable. :-) Depending on the equipment you can have cables several hundred feet long.

An (expensive) way is to use a CDMA receiver. The CDMA protocol needs accurate timing, so it's included in those signals. It's not as accurate as GPS, but it can work in places with no "sky view" access.

Comment Re:$25 Raspberry Pi + $27 GPS reciever? (Score 1) 160

Yes, if a USB receiver makes it accurate enough for the monitoring system then it's fine. (Though the monitoring system has been tuned to be stricter and stricter over the years).

However: if the USB receiver has more "jitter" than the other internet servers you'd be syncing from as backup, then there's not much point in having it.

Submission + - The NTP Pool needs more servers (ntppool.org)

An anonymous reader writes: The NTP Pool project is turning 10 soon, and needs more servers to continue serving reasonably accurate time to anyone in the world.
Social Networks

Submission + - Reddit Was Built By A Horde of Fake Accounts (vice.com)

derekmead writes: How, exactly, did Reddit get so big? Well, according to Reddit cofounder Steve Huffman, in the early days the Reddit crew just faked it ‘til they made it. In a video for Udacity, an online source for education and lectures, Huffman describes how the first Redditors populated the site’s content with tons of fake accounts.

These days, with the site’s users wary of people using expendable accounts to try to seed their own content, it seems nuts that an army of fakers would be seeding content all over the site. But early on, Huffman said that using fake accounts driven by the founders was key to building the tone they wanted to the site. Basically, by populating the site with accounts whose strings they pulled, the Reddit crew could shape the discourse and sharing of the site in the direction they wanted, and as the real user base grew, those standards held, allowing the fake accounts to fade away.


Submission + - Los Angeles to Stop Traffic Light Cameras

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "The LA Times reports that theLos Angeles Police Commission has voted to kill the city's controversial red-light camera program, rejecting claims that the system makes streets safer while costing the city nothing. The police department says the cameras help reduce accidents, largely by deterring drivers looking to run red lights or make illegal turns while critics of the technology question officials' accident data, saying the cameras instead cause rear-end collisions as drivers slam on their brakes and liken the cameras to Big Brother tactics designed to generate revenues. More than 180,000 motorists have received camera-issued tickets since the program started in 2004 but thecommission estimates that the program costs between $4 million and $5 million each year while bringing in only about $3.5 million annually. Members of the public who attended the meeting urged the commission to do away with the cameras, which trigger seemingly boundless frustration and anger among drivers in traffic-obsessed L.A."It's something that angers me every time I get in my car," says Hollywood resident Christina Heller. "These cameras remove our fundamental right in this country to confront our accuser. And they do not do anything to improve safety.""
The Internet

Submission + - Tenn. law bans posting images that "cause emotiona (arstechnica.com) 2

An anonymous reader writes: "A new Tennessee law makes it a crime to "transmit or display an image" online that is likely to "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress" to someone who sees it. Violations can get you almost a year in jail time or up to $2500 in fines."

I wonder if this would also apply to ASCII displays of gratuitous grossness? Goodbye E()o()3

Submission + - IPv6 for the NTP Pool (ntppool.org)

ask writes: "The NTP Pool (likely used by the linux box in your basement or your server rack) now works over IPv6."

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