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Comment Re:The Linux community needs to discuss systemd. (Score 2) 106

I've been using Fedora and BSDs for a few years now, I didn't notice any specific difference in using any of them. Editing text files is fun, but there has never been any such thing as a standardized configuration syntax. At some point UI are just better to use. I used to be pro-textfile but I'm fed up of looking up the syntax. Sendmail is a mess, bind is a mess, exim is a mess, samba is a mess...

Comment Re:Because it's fake, perhaps? (Score 1) 391

Moreover, if I was about to die, I would never behave as James Foley allegedly did. There is no fear in his words. I can't believe someone about to die would behave as such. As the neck is being cut, there is no sign of blood. Even the 3/8" long cut of superficial skin I made on my thumb with a chisel yesterday was bleeding more, and I was not slicing myself with force...

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