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Comment Re:If One Person Clicks, We All Lose (Score 1) 187

According to the GP, neither did terrorism... directly. National airspace being shut down for three days was an overreaction due to the outrage of the public. Now, if the terrorists had somehow disabled critical aviation controls so that no planes could fly, you would have a point.

I'm not saying that I agree with the GP's perspective, I'm just saying that your response is off the mark.

Comment Re:VS upgrade cycle (Score 1) 263

You can also do that with Visual Studio, right there in your code.

/// <summary>
/// You'll see this in intellisense
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Intellisense info about what 'x' is</param>
/// <returns>Intellisense info about what is being returned</returns>
public string MyFunction(int x)
//do some stuff

See the intellisense

The tricky part comes when introducing new language constructs, not just new classes/functions etc. Try using LINQ in VS 2003. It's just not gonna happen... the IDE doesn't know what to do with it.

Comment Re:Not "anyone" just most people. (Score 1) 388

What point are you trying to make, exactly? All you are saying is that my brain says, "hey, there is a vehicle in front of you slowing down, and there is a vehicle beside you so you can't change lanes, so you need to slow down too" instead of "hey, that Red Honda Civic in front of you is slowing down, oh and by the way, you better store the fact that there is a motorcycle beside you in your long-term memory."

You would be similarly amazed at how many blue cars there are on the road that you didn't recall seeing if you look for them. The point is, it doesn't matter what type of vehicle you see, as long as you see a vehicle. That's the point the GP was trying to make.

Comment Re:I hope Bilski invalidates them all (Score 1) 294

So, in other words,

"My accounting program isn't broken just because users can enter letters in the number-only fields. I explicitly say in the instructions that in number-only fields, only numbers should be used. Companies who buy this program should get people capable of reading instructions and following them."

Comment Re:I hope Bilski invalidates them all (Score 3, Insightful) 294

Universities and government labs are the main hosts, and that's ok

Bull. Sure those institution work great for general scientific research, but when it comes to applying the science, private companies that profit from the result are the way to go.

Now, what happens when I spend 10 years and thousands of dollars tinkering in my basement to build a next-gen Thingy, and then, since patents don't exist, two weeks after I release my product to the market, company X with billions of dollars at it's disposal come out with an identical copy and a far superior marketing strategy? Well, I don't recoup my costs (not even close) and company X makes all the money. Would company X have developed this technology? No. Will I ever do it again? No. Will a university develop this? No, they have no interest.

Yes, the patent system is broken. Is the solution to completely abolish it? Hell no.

Comment Re:Indeed. (Score 1) 162

A small, efficient laptop is not a netbook. A small, efficient, low-priced, low-power laptop is a netbook. Now, low-power is a relative term, so it will gradually increase with time, but by the time you can easily play Civ 4 on any netbook, you will want to play Civ 5 on your netbook because Civ 4 is too old.

Comment Re:Is this the same Government that created it? (Score 1) 577

What Federal taxes do we pay on online transactions? What cut of the ISP bill does the government get?

Income Tax. My effective income tax rate is about 20%, so, since my $60 internet bill is not tax deductible, i'm paying about $15 to the federal government for my internet access. Then, you have comcast paying an additional 30% of that income (minus whatever deductions they get) to the federal government as well. Also, just fyi, anything I buy online that is not tax deductible I'm also paying taxes on.

And are we talking about the same government that created the Internet, or is this monstrously incompetent government a different government?

Just because they can competently build IT infrastructure, doesn't mean that they can competently handle socio-economic issues of said infrastructure.

Maybe if the government is so incompetent, we should outsource such vital functions as roads and the armed services.

First of all, being incompetent in one area does not mean they are incompetent in all areas. Secondly, state governments are in charge of roads, not the federal government. And finally, saying that since the federal government does a great job with the military, so they must do a great job with everything else, is like saying Michael Jordan must be one hell of a brain surgeon.

Comment Re:30 to 40 thousand lines isn't large by any meas (Score 1) 532

Well, for my 2 cents, I've been working on a project by myself for the past 6 months, starting from scratch, and it's up to about 85,000 lines of code, and I would classify that as medium-scale. It all depends on what your perspective is I suppose.

But, like you said, a well organized 85k lines is a lot smaller than a poorly written/organized 40k lines.

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