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Comment Re:So, another hypothetical particle? (Score 2) 103

I don't think we are assuming our current theories are totally correct, otherwise we wouldn't be looking for new physics (in the form of dark matter particles) to explain what we're seeing. Signs tend to indicate though that out current mode of thinking is correct but incomplete, as opposed to being completely wrong, which is why we're not throwing out everything and starting again from scratch.

Comment Re:What's with the scare brackets? (Score 1) 113

I have yet to see any proof that No-IP are 'shady', I've been using them myself for legitimate purposes for quite a while (devices that roam physical networks, non-static adsl connections, etc) and have no reason to believe they are doing anything untoward. Also no one 'alleged' their businesses were disrupted - it is a fact that they were. It is unfortunate that some businesses don't see the value and justification of purchasing a domain, static IP and setting up DNS hosting along with other services but I do know many that use dynamic DNS services and home adsl plans at their offices instead to try to trim overheads as much as possible. When Microsoft hijacked No-IP's domains their DNS servers were not returning A-records, poorly deployed SOHO websites and self-hosted OWS become unreachable to staff outside the office and customers. Business is affected. Sure you can argue that people shouldn't use dynamic DNS services for important things but that doesn't change the fact that they do, and this affected them greatly.

Chicksdaddy's post smells of astroturfing.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

I'll respond to this with what I've said in another post already:

Because no person or group of people have any right at all to dictate what another person or group of people do with their own bodies. EVER. History has proven that this ALWAYS ends in disaster. Why? Because people are people. You might know better today but you're still a person and will still take that precedent as license to push your control even further until someone ends up oppressed and enslaved. And if not you then your successor. Or theirs.

Society is free to expel people, sure. But it is not free to violate their bodies, the only thing an individual can truly own. Why is this fine line so hard for all the 'pro-vaxers' to discriminate. (I quote that to highlight the difference between those who are merely pro-vaccination and the zealout group 'pro-vaxers' who keep insisting that any talk against an overly-reaching government makes you an 'anti-vaxer')

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

because, as I've stated in another post:

Because no person or group of people have any right at all to dictate what another person or group of people do with their own bodies. EVER. History has proven that this ALWAYS ends in disaster. Why? Because people are people. You might know better today but you're still a person and will still take that precedent as license to push your control even further until someone ends up oppressed and enslaved. And if not you then your successor. Or theirs.

Society is free to expel people, sure. But it is not free to violate their bodies, the only thing an individual can truly own. Why is this fine line so hard for all the 'pro-vaxers' to discriminate. (I quote that to highlight the difference between those who are merely pro-vaccination and the zealout group 'pro-vaxers' who keep insisting that any talk against an overly-reaching government makes you an 'anti-vaxer')

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

Because no person or group of people have any right at all to dictate what another person or group of people do with their own bodies. EVER. History has proven that this ALWAYS ends in disaster. Why? Because people are people. You might know better today but you're still a person and will still take that precedent as license to push your control even further until someone ends up oppressed and enslaved. And if not you then your successor. Or theirs.

Society is free to expel people, sure. But it is not free to violate their bodies, the only thing an individual can truly own. Why is this fine line so hard for all the 'pro-vaxers' to discriminate. (I quote that to highlight the difference between those who are merely pro-vaccination and the zealout group 'pro-vaxers' who keep insisting that any talk against an overly-reaching government makes you an 'anti-vaxer')

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 699

Thanks for trying, but I think it's moot. Anyone with a strong opinion on this topic seems unable to carry out a rational conversation on it. Kind of reminds me of the creationism topic. Almost as if to have an opinion at all is to be a zealot per default or something regardless of the point of view you've adopted. Any one else who's opinion doesn't fit in to side A or side B has to be forced in to one or the other somehow so that you can label and judge them accordingly.

'If I yell louder than you then I'm right and all my time spent believing hasn't been wasted'

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

Again with the hyperbole.. It's not everyone. It's not even remotely close to everyone. And for the third time now I'm not against vaccinations - I've had them and will have my children have them. That's not the point. Please learn to read and stop regurgitating rote-taught indoctrination k thx.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

Everybody? Hyperbole much? Since when do infants + immunodeficient people == everybody? I imagine that'll be the net end result once you're done removing natural selection from the evolutionary process though. But that's another topic really. Why is it so hard for you to read? It really speaks volumes about your mindless nature when you instantly strawman any argument on the topic in to being 'you are completely against vaccinations! omg /you're one of them/!' - For the second time, I've had my shots, the important ones. I wouldn't stop my children from having them either. But I do believe no external party has a right to dictate what I let bypass by body's natural filters and enter my blood stream. And you *are* a fucking idiot if you think that's unreasonable. You deserve the police state you're trying to bring in to being. You want to hand over all rights to your own physical being then go right ahead, I won't stop you. I'll stand here alive, healthy, and sentient pitying you. Oh yes, I have empathy. And right now it's screaming to think of the world you're trying to bring in to existence. The world where you have no rights *at all*, where you're a property of the state for the state to do with what they wish. Do you honestly want that? Can you really say that you're not a government shill and still want that?

Comment Re: Good. (Score 0, Flamebait) 699

Why should you or anyone who's had their vaccinations care what I do with my own fucking body? It's not your right to decide nor is it the court's or the government's. SPECIALLY when you've had your vaccinations and can't catch it if they work, right? right? How dare you presume to have any say at all in the matter. Seriously. You and people like you are a disease. I wish there was a vaccination for /that/.

Comment Re:Good. (Score -1) 699

Exactly. Having a government department decide that you are to be forced to have a corporation-manufactured product injected into your body is orders of magnitude more dangerous than either any potential side effect from the vaccination on the individual or the danger to the community from the individual not being vaccinated. I can't understand why both the pro-vaccination group and a lot of the anti-vaccination group fail to see this argument. Would I get vaccinated or let my children be vaccinated? If the threat was real enough, yes. But would I let a government make that decision for me/them? Hell no. I'd start killing people long before submitting to that tyranny.

Submission + - Linode hacked, CCs and passwords leaked 6

An anonymous reader writes: On Friday Linode announced a precautionary password reset due to an attack despite claiming that they were not compromised. The attacker has claimed otherwise, claiming to have obtained card numbers and password hashes. Password hashes, source code fragments and directory listings have been released as proof. Linode has yet to comment on or deny these claims.

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