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Comment Fracking BS (Score 0) 236

Fracking is used for Natural Gas production not Oil last I looked. Iran's output has been stifled by sanctions, not market oil glut. The cost of domestic oil is what keeps the US at odds with Middle Eastern countries. If they drop prices they render domestic oil production too expensive. The truth is America is still at the mercy of the Middle eastern oil. All they need to do is produce more oil at lower prices and they will destroy the domestic market. Oil companies are going to buy from the cheapest source, that's how Exxon/Mobile makes record profits every quarter.

Comment Windows 8 Fear Mongering (Score 0) 246

It is never easy changing OS versions. But if you are reluctant to the point of fear, nothing would ever change. I am using Windows 8 on my home, office and Laptop systems and there are zero issues that prevent me from doing what I used to do with XP, and everyone screaming about how Windows 7 is better than 8 is just wrong. Windows 8 is Windows 7 SP2. Windows 8 "metro" is like a shell that you do not have to interface with if you do not want to. The Windows 8 "Apps" are mainly garbage and just a way to sell advertizing space to Microsoft customers, but they and the Metro Interface are OPTIONAL. People should be much more concerned about Office 2013 and the Crippled "Click to Run" versions that Microsoft keeps as a dirty secret, as it allows them to block other companies interoperability to generate more Software as a subscription sales.

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