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Comment Re:SlashBI (Score 1) 339

I remember when I joined Slashdot 5+ years ago, Kuro5hin being bad was the joke.

Now that Slashdot seems to be becoming the joke, where do we go?

Why can't we have nice things? Why is every community we end up going to get shit all over by the idiots in corporate or wherever and turned into a hellhole? See: Facebook, Slashdot, and hundreds of other websites.

Comment Re:Sports and political talk shows (Score 1) 648

Do it the same way that people fed up with mainstream music and movies have - look at smaller leagues, different games, etc.

If I liked baseball, I'd go see my local team which is just across town. Basketball? College games. Or you can watch something that's not really looked at all that often (at least in America) such as rugby or Irish hurling.

A friend of mine USED to watch the Baltimore Ravens (in fact, the buddy whose website I write on and is linked below) - now he watches rugby. He got sick of the NFL's bullshit (especially with the lockout) and now it's a non-issue because he doesn't watch that stuff anymore.

Comment Re:what about slashdot? (Score 4, Interesting) 595

Instead of attempting to name and shame companies, perhaps instead we should try to find a mega-corp that actually does fairly and honestly pay its full tax bill. How about a bit of positive reporting?

My only guess at such a company would be Chik-Fil-A since they close on Sundays despite the obviously lost business. I have a difficult time thinking of any other companies that would lose money solely on moral grounds like that.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure if "mega-corp" and "plays by the rules" would ever go hand-in-hand, now would they? If you read anything about nearly any big company you hear about how they got their hands dirty squashing the competition and skirting every rule they can. Look at Microsoft with their EEE philosophy.

Comment Re:Heil (Score 1) 462

A friend of mine is writing a book, and I suggested he shake things up a little bit and include multiple "forewords" as well as a "backword". Some poor bastard will get stuck with the last page.

...he liked my idea so much, he gave me the backword. ;_;

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