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Comment Re:No doubt IE is losing share but.. (Score 1) 390

I ditched Firefox for Chrome when Firefox went off a cliff. Chrome is not heading in a good direction. Maybe it's time to give IE 11 a shot.

It's now the fastest browser on Windows:


"Mozilla Gecko 11" is actually MSIE 11.0. See the small print under the chart, and also:


Comment Re:No doubt IE is losing share but.. (Score 2) 390

It is the best data set to make Microsoft look bad- which is the point here.

And the real irony is that as of IE 11.0, it's actually a pretty solid browser. It's stable, fast, has a decent integrated web tool set and implements everything that is important (WebGL, HTML5, Offline, etc. etc.) Meanwhile, Chrome is slowly turning into a crashy, buggy piece of shit. Sigh.

Submission + - Emulating Bash / GNU Readline in PowerShell 3.0 (nivot.org)

x0n writes: "One of the little known features of PowerShell 3.0 allows you to completely take over the line editing experience. I have integrated a bash-style tab completion / gnu readline line editor, using code gleaned from an old Mono REPL and some hackery. The tab completion uses the native PowerShell 3.0 APIs for matching, so you still get rich completion of parameters, types, cmdlets as well as the nice EMACS bindings. PowerShell 3.0 ships with Windows 8, 2012 and is available downlevel for 2008/R2 and Windows 7."

Comment Re:OO shell is a POS (Score 1) 780

Microsoft may be taking a step forward by dropping the GUI, but they still don't get it.

I've been a Linux user since kernel 1.2.3, and a Windows L-user nearly as long. I assure you my friend, they get it.

What makes Unix so powerful isn't just the shell, it's the concept of pipes. The input and output of each program is text. You type the input at the keyboard, look at the output on the screen, that's what makes Unix so powerful.

Powerful, yes. Let's count all the files in the current directory that are bigger than 20mbs with a simple bash script:

~: find . -printf '%s %p\n'| sort -nr | awk '$1 > 20971520 {++c} END {print c}'

Why? Because that way you can pipe the output of one program to the input of another. By using binary objects each program gets two additional levels of complexity, you need a utility to inspect the objects and another to enter data.

Really? Here's the powershell equivalent of the above bash script:

ps> ls | where length -gt 20mb | measure | select -expand count

I'm looking at the output on the screen. I didn't need arcane awk/sed tricks. I didn't need a "utility to inspect the objects" nor "another to enter data." If you really want to defend unix, you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You're clearly standing in the middle of nowhere with your head in the sand.

Comment Re:More FUD (Score 1) 349

This is FUD in and in itself. Tilt bits are signals orthogonal to the normal functioning of video and sound drivers. If you don't implement platform-level DRM, you don't need to care about them. Linux drivers have had stability issues long before the concept of "trusted computing" came out of some ass-hat's tiny brain.


Comment Re:Just Sony? (Score 1) 254

No defending Sony, but I'm putting this out there.

The person who takes the bribe (or campaign contributions) is much more morally bankrupt than the person offering. Joe and Orin could have said no.

The entire American system for funding political parties is based around mutual back scratching. No point jabbing your finger at individuals either. The problem is bigger than that. You need to replace your flag's stars and stripes with a loofah and dollar signs.


Atari Loses Copyright Suit Against RapidShare 198

dotarray writes "Online copyright lawsuits aren't all about music. Video game publisher Atari Europe recently became concerned that copies of its game Alone in the Dark were floating around one-click file-hosting service RapidShare, so it took the hosting company to court. While they won the initial case, the decision was overturned on appeal, finding that RapidShare is doing nothing wrong."

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