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Comment Re:More FUD (Score 1) 349

This is FUD in and in itself. Tilt bits are signals orthogonal to the normal functioning of video and sound drivers. If you don't implement platform-level DRM, you don't need to care about them. Linux drivers have had stability issues long before the concept of "trusted computing" came out of some ass-hat's tiny brain.


Comment Re:Just Sony? (Score 1) 254

No defending Sony, but I'm putting this out there.

The person who takes the bribe (or campaign contributions) is much more morally bankrupt than the person offering. Joe and Orin could have said no.

The entire American system for funding political parties is based around mutual back scratching. No point jabbing your finger at individuals either. The problem is bigger than that. You need to replace your flag's stars and stripes with a loofah and dollar signs.


Atari Loses Copyright Suit Against RapidShare 198

dotarray writes "Online copyright lawsuits aren't all about music. Video game publisher Atari Europe recently became concerned that copies of its game Alone in the Dark were floating around one-click file-hosting service RapidShare, so it took the hosting company to court. While they won the initial case, the decision was overturned on appeal, finding that RapidShare is doing nothing wrong."

John Carmack Discuss Mega Texturing 313

An anonymous readers writes in to say that "id Software has introduced a new technology dubbed Mega Texturing that will allow graphic engines to render large textures and terrains in a more optomized way while also making them look better. Gamer Within has Q & A with John Carmack on Mega Texturing."
User Journal

Journal Journal: I have a freak!

Today I noticed I have a "freak". Funnily enough, I had to find out exactly what that meant. Much to my horror, I discovered that someone has added me as a "foe": Feck! it took a few years, but finally I've annoyed someone enough for them to actually be arsed into adding me as a foe! hilarious!

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I've had too much m$ content in my posts recently. Ah well.

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