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Submission + - Over 100 NASA Scientists Quit Or Retire Early Over 'Security Obsession' ( 4

DevConcepts writes: Is something HUGE going on with Mars that NASA and the Department of Homeland Security DO NOT want the public to know about? Due to NASA’s new found ‘security obsession’ with the Mars Rover, over 100 NASA scientists and engineers have recently either quit their jobs or retired early. What in the world are NASA and the Department of Homeland Security so obsessed about with Mars and the Mars Rover? According to this story at This Can’t Be Happening: [URL:]

The NASA file [PDF]

Comment Re:Google+ is a success (Score 1) 188

"Google+ also completely ripped off Facebook's look and feel"

Try again. With all the blah blah blah about G+ &FB and who stole what and yet not one mention of the open source, community driven, social web, Diaspora
That is where G+ got its look & feel.

What is Diaspora?
Diaspora is the social network that puts you in control of your information. You decide what you’d like to share, and with whom. You retain full ownership of all your information, including friend lists, messages, photos, and profile details.

Share what you want, with who you want.

Google+, You are a product, We have to have your real name, FB, We own everything you do & say.

Freedom and free speech are available in a new location.

Comment Re:Media Companies (Score 1) 219

2 out of 5?
Umm Time Warner....
That would make it 3 of 5.
Time Warner Inc., a global leader in media and entertainment with businesses in television networks, filmed entertainment and publishing, uses its industry-leading operating scale and brands to create, package and deliver high-quality content worldwide through multiple distribution outlets.


AT&T: Meet the New US GSM Monopoly 189

itwbennett writes "Why should consumers care about the AT&T/T-mobile merger? Already, Verizon has dropped unlimited data plans and the US trails Japan, South Korea, and others in variety and performance of mobiles. Don't think for a second that those aren't the direct result this new monopoly, says blogger Tom Henderson. '...Those pesky State agencies that used to have regulatory authority has been usurped by the US Federal Government,' writes Henderson. 'This wasn't an accident. Who would you rather deal with, 43 different state regulatory authorities, or those convenient people on Capitol Hill?'"

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